Ahh, where did the time go! It feels as though the political hellscape has been gobbling up our bandwidth—in full transparency, we're now also dividing our time between commu...
Honey Scamps – Crystal Tea
2 months ago
January update - cards charged, surveys locking
Happy new year, all! I've been enjoying taking some time off, doing a lot of baking and catching up on all my streaming shows. After an extremely busy 2024, a slower holiday ...
Honey Scamps – Crystal Tea
4 months ago
Pin Samples + Surveys Are Live
Here is some fun news for this dreary November! We received some pin samples from our manufacturer and they look FABULOUS. I'm always amazed to ...
Honey Scamps – Crystal Tea
4 months ago
Surveys are coming!
In the last couple of weeks, we've been focused on finalizing artwork for the manufacturer, ordering samples, and getting the Pledge Manager and pre-order store s...
Justin Owens
5 months ago
Thanks for all the fish!
Thank you again to everyone that has backed this project. Crys and I have been enjoying these chonky bears so much and have been so grateful to see others sharing in the love o...
Honey Scamps – Crystal Tea
5 months ago
These Chonky Bears are at the finish line
We've got 5 days left in this campaign and we've come such a long way! You've helped us decide on the final design for the pin display board, unlock a double-sided acrylic keych...
Ahh, where did the time go! It feels as though the political hellscape has been gobbling up our bandwidth—in full transparency, we're now also dividing our time between community organizing and civic actions to protect ourselves, our children, and our community.
We're still pressing forward and staying as close as possible to our originally estimated fulfillment timeline. Our manufacturers both local and overseas have continued to be excellent partners.
In brief:
The pins, stickers, keychains, and displays are all here and everything looks great!
The beanies have just started production and are estimated to be delivered by the end of March.
The beanies look SO DANG CUTE (even in this quick un-color-corrected snapshot of the sample from the manufacturer) and we cannot wait for you all to see them in person!
knit bear beanie with embroidered snout
This week we're finalizing our shipping plans and getting everything loaded into the pledge manager for fulfillment, and we'll be locking addresses on Friday 2/28.
We'll process the shipping charges next week and expect to start mailing out orders that do not have a beanie (about 3/4 of you!) in mid- to late March. Once the beanies are in, we'll get those shipped out to the remaining batch of backers.
Thank you again for your patience with us as we forge ahead through challenging times!
Happy new year, all! I've been enjoying taking some time off, doing a lot of baking and catching up on all my streaming shows. After an extremely busy 2024, a slower holiday season was just what I needed.
We have an exciting updates. The Chonky Bears pins and stickers have all been manufactured and are currently en route!
Cards have been charged for those of you who completed the survey. We had intended to wait until the new year and let everyone know ahead of time, but my finger hit the button before my brain registered what was happening! (I am a person who can't resist playing whack-a-mole with notification flags...) I am so sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Orders have been locked for all submitted surveys. There are 10 outstanding, so please check and confirm that you aren't one of them! Please reach out to us at [email protected] if you have any questions we can sort it out.
Here is some fun news for this dreary November! We received some pin samples from our manufacturer and they look FABULOUS. I'm always amazed to see the designs come to life and this is no exception. These cuties have so much personality, don't you think? (Apologies for my lack of photography skills; I don't have a lightbox and these are taken with my phone.)
so chonky, so cute!
Here's a GIF of the spinner pin in action. We made a bit of a design change so that the bear on the falls would stay stationary while the spinner does its thing and we think it turned out very nicely! Let us know what you think.
We're awaiting samples of the stickers and will post photos with the next update.
Survey is Live
The survey is live and as of now, 81% of you have completed it! Thank you so much for your quick action on submitting your choices. The surveys andPre-Order Store will close on November 29th so that we can place production orders well ahead of the typical lunar new year shutdown. So please confirm the items you want; we want to make sure we have the right quantities for everyone when it comes time to ship out rewards!
!e'll update again in early December. Thanks again!
In the last couple of weeks, we've been focused on finalizing artwork for the manufacturer, ordering samples, and getting the Pledge Manager and pre-order store set up. We're just about ready to send the smoke test, which will help us identify any issues with the survey. If all goes well with the smoke test, you should receive your survey by next week.
It’s essential to respond to your survey as quickly as possible since we need this information to fulfill your rewards.Surveys will be open until Friday, November 29th, at which point we'll start tallying the final quantities for all the rewards and placing the orders with the manufacturers.
You do not need to create a BackerKit account to fill out your survey. When you receive the survey invite email, click the survey link to respond. You'll be able to review the rewards you selected during the campaign, provide your shipping information, and purchase additional items if you'd like.
After you respond to your survey, you can always go back later and change your responses at any time before we close the surveys and get our final counts. We will be processing any charges for additional purchases AFTER January 1st, 2025, and we'll send another Update to notify backers in advance of charging cards.
Due to the volatility of shipping prices, shipping fees for this project will be calculated and charged closer to the fulfillment date so that we can offer the most accurate and economical prices. We will keep you informed all along the way and will alert backers when shipping costs are finalized & before we charge your cards.
If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at https://chonky-bears.backerkit.com/.
If you used your Facebook credentials to log in to your crowdfunding account, the BackerKit survey is sent to the email address associated with your Facebook account. If you have another email address that you prefer to use, please contact support at https://chonky-bears.backerkit.com/faq.
After surveys are sent, if you did not receive the email and you signed in with Apple ID, your email address might be a private relay email address. We can help locate your survey and update your email address—please message us or post a comment with your Backer ID or Pledge # found on your confirmation. You can learn more about your email hiding for your Apple ID here.
Surveys are coming next week, please complete yours by November 29th, and if you have any questions or concerns please email us at [email protected]!
A happy chonky bear says thank you!
Thank you again to everyone that has backed this project. Crys and I have been enjoying these chonky bears so much and have been so grateful to see others sharing in the love of these fuzzy friends.
It's also been great hearing your thoughts and ideas along the way and incorporating your feedback into this project.
Now that the campaign has concluded, we'll be moving on to the production phase and will keep you appraised of our progress along the way.