Honey Herds
6 months ago

Project Update: New Stretch Goals Unlocked + Cassette Ita Bag Add-On!

Hi Everyone! 
First off- we've unlocked two more stretch goals, the Nekomatcha & Ice Cream Bundae! As long as we keep receiving funding I'll do my best to keep up with stretch goals! I've already posted a look at the next one on Social Media- The Bananatee Pudding! My next big stretch goal after this is going to be another freebie that every backer will receive! 

I've also received a few requests on social media to add my latest ita bag that's available for pre-order, so that's now available as an add-on!

This will be the LAST time this Ita Bag will be available for $85. Upon full release of the Ita Bags, the remainders will be available for at a minimum $10 increase. I've also included an option for all of those who would like to receive their Ita Bag as soon as it arrives, this is the "EXTRA SHIPPING" Add-On at the bottom of the list. Instead of holding onto your bag until the pins arrive, you can pay shipping on the bag itself for an extra $8 and get it shipped to you in early June. 
You can find more info about the Ita Bags and what accessories they come with on the add-on page! 

Thank you all again so much for truly going above and beyond what I thought possible for this campaign! If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please feel free to reach out to me! <3 
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