Honey Herds
20 days ago

Project Update: Finishing Up Shipping!

Hi everyone,
I believe I can get all the rest of the packages out by the end of February!
Once again, I apologize for how long this has taken. I definitely underestimated how much work this would be, and I cannot say sorry enough!!

This being said, I also go to roughly 14 conventions a year, and I would be a fool if I didn't admit that also takes up way more of the time I could be shipping/packaging. I've cut down a lot this year so I can keep up with online fulfillment better!

I have Megacon Orlando this weekend and I plan on getting on shipping as soon as I'm home. I spent the most of January packaging the orders so now I just have to arrange shipping and pay. I hate feeling like I have just excuse after excuse, however, things have just sincerely been rough, I have felt multiple times like I can't catch a break because something always goes wrong.   

My partner has also agreed to help me with packaging and shipping, which has helped so so much. He has a full time job so I've been hesitant to ask for help, but he's seen the emotional and mental toll that not being able to fulfill this campaign in a timely manner has taken on me.

I just wanted to say again I cannot express how sorry I am. I'm just hoping everyone will like their packages once they get them, and it somewhat makes up for how long everyone has waited.

Thank you all for your support, patience, and believing in me. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me  at [email protected] or put in a contact form here




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