Belinda Crawford
9 days ago

Project Update: 🤪 Watch me try & fail not to laugh while reading Gamer

We're over halfway there! And don't forget, unlocking this goal brings us that much closer to unlocking the Collector's Edition hardback.

The results of the Stretch goal 3 poll are out and…

It's a book bag! And you're gonna help me choose the design!! Expect the design poll to come out in a few days, I need to whip up some extra designs for your to choose from.

This means, once we reach the third stretch goal ($2k), all physical backers will receive a sexy little bag to carry their sexy Special Edition paperback in (can't scratch that cover!). Everyone will receive a digital, print-at-home bookmark featuring our chosen book bag design.

The video where I read Gamer and try not to laugh

There is a reason why I don't narrate my own audiobooks, well two reasons but the chief one is… I end up laughing at all the wrong spots. Nerves I guess, plus there are times where I just can't believe I wrote that line. 

Anyways, I was challenged to read an excerpt from Gamer and I did, and you can watch it here.

Oh, and I also make lots of funny faces, which always seem to be made into thumbnails. Go figure.

Let's unlock the sneaky stretch-goal-that-isn't! 

Okay, so… I can't believe we haven't unlocked this one yet, but I think it's just flown under everyone's radar. The stretch-goal-that-isn't is a sneaky little achievement whereby, if we unlock it everyone who gets a book (ebook or paperback) also gets a surprise bonus reward. And it doesn't cost anything.

All we need to do is share the video of me reading Gamer on Facebook 17 more times. It's super simple to do, just click the "Share the love on Facebook" button below.

Until tomoz,
Happy reading.

Help us reach our funding goal! Once we reach this goal, I'll add a random bonus gift to all book pledges (ebook & physical).
Goal: 3 / 20
We need 17 more to reach this goal.




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