Hope you are all prepared to receive your rewards - especially those physical. If not - worry not, we have the Pledge Manager still open. Find your invite and work your way through it!
Ok, having that out the way - we have good news and slightly worse news.
Good news, we have the FINAL version ready to print and we are scanning for the last minute mistakes to correct before we send it over to print.
Worse news, we have the FINAL version ready much later than we anticipated. Why? So we've sent the 0.9 PDF version to all backers a while ago which is basically the completed book. However, after receiving a test print (that took a loooong time to get...), we noticed that while everything looks good on screen, we still have to adjust every single page so it looks better in a physical form. Don't get us wrong, the test print looked really, really well... but we felt we can do better. So we made adjustments to margins, spacing etc. so the final product would look as good as it can. Sorry for that, but also not sorry - better late than half-baked!
With that in mind, we will start shipping your rewards either straight before Christmas or right after. So no Guide under the Christmas tree (or an equivalent), apologies, but the production takes around a month, and shipping will take 3-21 days depending on your location. That adds up... so yeah.
TL;DR: We are ready, the book is looking great, we made adjusments to the layouts so it looks even better in print. We will start shipping as soon as we receive the books, so close to the end of the year.