9 months ago

Project Update: digital downloads are going out todayyyy

hello my fellow avian affectionados

i just sent out the digital distribution keys to everyone who helped this project get funded. you should get a text file with a list of urls  - pick one, paste into your browser, see if it's still an unclaimed key and if it is claim it. i made enough for everyone, but if for some reason you can't get a key to work for you shoot me an email at cial @ deathsticks . org and i'll generate a new one for you specifically.

a little bit of bad news - it looks like physical rewards aren't going to arrive at your homes before pride ends. stuff happens! i've updated our projected ship-out date to july 10th, but i genuinely hope things will be going out long before that point.

speaking of things going out, i thought it might be fun to share the mock-up design of the sticker sheet that'll be included with all the physical rewards folks got. i got em designed to endure outside and stay stuck, specifically to annoy people who want to impose their bigotry by trying to take them down. the final designs might be sliiiightly different but this is pretty much it

lookin forward to our next update being one where i get to show off some books or treasures!!!





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