14 days ago

Project Update: stretch goal rewards update!

i haven't heard back from the printer yet (my contact is out sick, just hoping he'll recover quickly!) but i think i've decided that if there aren't enough results in the poll to break a tie i might create something else to send, like a CD of songs that inspired this arc! or a home-made patch!  part of the reasoning here is because i'm operating with a /very/ slim-to-none profit margin, so the more things i have to outsource to, say, a pog company the less i have to pay bills with. i know a number like the raised amount looks big! but truly, it's not!! the vast majority of it is going RIGHT to the printer, with a small amount saved for sticker sheets and prints and other goodies.

speaking of sticker sheets, i've got the rough sketches for art below for backers to peruse. just sketches right now, but that'll be changing shortly enough!

if you've been talking up the campaign on your social media, btw, please let me know! i'd love to sketch you something of your choosing for helping me out. here's a kyo and a dragon i drew for folks so far.
a little red dragonling who's a bit potato shaped

kyo throwing up the horns, for heatherhorns
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