Heartleaf Games
3 months ago

Project Update: Pledge Manager & Backer Surveys next week! Plus, a pre-order store.

Greetings delvers! Small update for you on this fine Friday night.

Our Pledge Manager and Backer Surveys are currently awaiting review by Backerkit. Which means all you backers will get your surveys next week! The first batch will go out early, likely Monday or Tuesday, and the bulk will go out after that.

The Pledge Manager will allow you to pick any pledge options you might have, gather your shipping information, and collect for shipping + tax for your stuff. It will also have a variety of items available for pre-order, in case you missed out on something during the campaign!

And for those who missed out on pledging entirely, our pre-order store is up and running right now.

Click here to visit our store! Or, click the image below.

Cullen's Egg Nog Fund returns!

This is primarily for new pre-orders—those who pledged during the campaign can snag any add-ons during the course of filling out your Backer Survey. The items are the exact same, so you're not missing out on anything!

That's all for now, delvers. Talk to you again next week! And as always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Long live love,
- Selius 🐀 & the Heartleaf crew





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