Creators You Might Like
These are creators that you might be interested because you are interested in Lost in the Details: Immersive Texture Rollers, Vol.2 Halloween Edition (STL Files for 3D Printing) by Hapybaka .
Exalted Funeral Press
54,843 FollowersOur Golden Age (OGA): An Ultraviolet Grasslands RPG []equel
Experience fantascience roleplaying at the end of time. Escape the end of history. The eternal civilization is perfect. So say the gods, the machines. Will you defy the endless circle of awakening and forgetting? Can you kick a hole through the sky?
$489,412 🎉of $50,0004,071backers
Charles Ryan
56,416 FollowersThe Magnus Archives RPG: Tangled in the Web
New adventures from The Magnus Archives creator Jonathan Sims—plus new lore and new options for GMs and players. With a complete corebook FREE with every pledge, it's a great jumping-on point if you're new to the game!
$735,201 🎉of $100,0004,415backers
Pandion Games
2,508 FollowersThe Substratum Protocol
When the anomaly appeared at the Earth's core, the Substratum Protocol was initiated. You are the best and brightest scientists we have left, our last hope to stem the apocalypse. You are the Substratum Expedition Team. Descend. Learn. Survive.
$34,954 🎉of $3,000720backers
The Wanderer's Tome
2,961 FollowersDeadline - A Clockwork Press
DEADLINE is a news-chronicling and map-making TTRPG where players take on the role of a journalist for the largest news publishing house in the city. Presented in a newspaper format, this game brings a new approach to storytelling and world-building.
€18,935 🎉of €1,500849backers
Tim Roberts
4,403 FollowersWires in the Woods - a solo/two-player journaling TTRPG.
In this solo/two-player journaling RPG, you explore an abandoned world, collecting unfamiliar items and using them to solve problems.
£123,423 🎉of £7,0002,006backers
Indie Boards and Cards
59,159 FollowersThe Magnus Protocol Mysteries
A mystery game based on the hit podcast by Rusty Quill. From Indie Boards and Cards, the publisher of Coup, Resistance, and Avalon.
$333,387 🎉of $10,0002,918backers
Melsonian Arts Council
8,673 FollowersGet It At Sutlers: A Troika Adventure Generator
An enormous retail adventure generator for inclusion in sandbox campaigns within the city of Troika. Get a job! Meet the locals! Don't die!
£45,717 🎉of £5,0001,046backers
Aaron A. Reed
5,095 FollowersDowncrawl 2E - Roleplaying in a Weird, Wondrous Underworld
Downcrawl 2E is a TTRPG toolkit for exploring a weird, wondrous underworld of stalactite cities and fungal gods. Now supports zero-prep and solo play!
$80,867 🎉of $19,000865backers
Chris Airiau (5MW Press)
1,898 FollowersNot Enough Scoundrels: a space trucker, smuggling & ships supplement for Mothership RPG
Not Enough Scoundrels is a 32pg zine of space truckers, shady smugglers, crooked spacecops, black marketeers, and the spaceships they live & die by. Do Crime. Get Paid or Die Broke. For Mothership the Sci-Fi Horror RPG.
€29,544 🎉of €3,5001,266backers
Taylor Holloway (Creature Caster)
282 FollowersWorld of Reclamation - The Strange Wastes
World of Reclamation - The Strange Wastes is a remastering of the monthly subscription based World of Reclamation Tribe on MyMiniFactory. 12x Adventures, 1x Campaign Guide, 1x Creature Caster Compendium, and 120 STLs brings this grim world to life.
$11,820 🎉of $10,00073backers
Hammer City Games
965 FollowersStarships & Soldiers - A Mothership Sci-Fi RPG Toolkit
A Toolkit for warfare, military tactics, and planetary annihilation! See new worlds, meet new people, try and kill them all and make a buck doing it!
C$29,695 🎉of C$8,000695backers
Sundial Games llc
12,440 FollowersFate Finder
Unlock the secrets of destiny with the Fate Finder—a mystical d20 that holds the power to shape your next move. Will it guide you to triumph, or test your courage with the unexpected? Shake it, reveal your number, and let the twist of fate decide.
$7,949 🎉of $4,000208backers
Grant Mielke
10,062 FollowersMythCraft TTRPG Enhanced: New Loot, Reprint, and VTT Support!
MythCraft TTRPG Returns: Forge Your Myth, Embark on New Sagas, and Create Epic Adventures in the Ultimate Tabletop Experience!
$139,903 🎉of $30,0001,002backers
Jason Furie
7,193 FollowersRealm Runners
Old-school rules-lite board gaming for 2-4 players. An epic combination of loot collection, boss battles and battle royale showdowns featuring the art of Skinner 🔥
$207,887 🎉of $50,0001,758backers
1,013 FollowersMoonbeam: Revolutionizing Live Streaming
Moonbeam is a revolutionary new live streaming platform that has completely reimagined the future of live streaming!
$62,435 🎉of $10,000736backers
Megan Caza
503 FollowersSnoozelings Blind Bag Mini Pins
Support our virtual pet game by helping us to fund our first line of mini blind bag pins. Each pin will be 1.2 inch and come with a matching in game plushie accessory.
$2,024 🎉of $80090backers
Greater Than Games
57,783 FollowersSpirit Island: Nature Incarnate
The next expansion of the award winning settler destruction game, Spirit Island: Nature Incarnate brings the fight to the Invaders with new spirits, mechanics, and more.
$1,199,947 🎉of $40,00011,895backers
Pandion Games
2,508 FollowersBadger + Coyote and their Daring Adventures: The cozy two-player TTRPG!
Play as Badger and Coyote in this asymmetric, two-player tabletop roleplaying game of mischief and miscommunication.
$14,182 🎉of $2,500348backers
Wicked Oni Publishing
787 FollowersThe Iron Hive: a space station setting for Mothership RPG
Explore The Iron Hive, an extremely densely populated and largely lawless space station. A place where criminals, bounty hunters, and residents collide. From the forgotten mines to The Jade Market, they all have things to do and stories to tell!
€13,058 🎉of €3,000690backers
Lone Archivist
650 FollowersPK49 - A Psychokinetic Adventure for the Mothership RPG
An experimental Military-grade pharmaceutical known as PK49 has leaked onto the black market. It is rumored to unlock powerful psychokinetic abilities fueling a race against the clock as street gangs and military factions fight to control the supply.
$12,103 🎉of $5,000549backers
1,065 FollowersVoidstream: Audio + Video + Adventure for Mothership RPG
VOIDSTREAM is a toolset of found footage audio and video artifacts designed for use as in-world dressing, creative prompts, in-game adventure hooks, and/or full-on horror immersion. Paired with its companion analog horror adventure, Source Of Signal.
$33,155 🎉of $10,000358backers
Paweł Kicman | Heltung Storytelling
1,954 FollowersOdyssey of the Giant - an escorting solo TTRPG
Odyssey of the Giant is a solo tabletop RPG game in which you must escort a last giant across a realm shaken by a cataclysm that left nature and its inhabitants confused and vulnerable.
€4,488 🎉of €2,000226backers
5,240 FollowersInterloper: Sandbox Mystery Module for Mothership RPG
A neon noir murder mystery on a rogue planet, drifting into the dark between the stars. Intrigue, danger, and conspiracy lurk among the tarnished dreams of Interloper.
$86,088 🎉of $10,0001,836backers
Games Omnivorous
3,536 FollowersBoreal Frostlands: Hex-n-Screen RPG setting
Brand new 'hex-n-screen' setting compatible with Undying Sands, Bottled Sea and Hexcrawl Toolbox. An icescape wasteland in the freezing Norths, dotted with crumbling ruins, temples of old and new, and formidable beings bound in the permafrost.
€26,637 🎉of €10,000549backers
Magpie Games
61,505 FollowersRapscallion: Strange Pirate Roleplaying on the Great Sea!
Rapscallion is a tabletop roleplaying game in which you play a rambunctious crew of pirates, testing their luck against the unpredictable winds of Fate on the Great Sea—a unique setting featuring terrifying leviathans, living books, and magic aplenty.
$187,536 🎉of $25,0003,118backers