Haphazard Projects
6 months ago

Project Update: Day 22: I've missed a few, but the winners are...

Stephen Esdale, Rae Bee, Christopher!

All three of you have won a small sampling of what would have been the Soundtrack for The Aethyrblood Chronicles! At least four tracks, by Eiric E. Padráig himself! You will be sent video and audio files of the songs.

You also can select two adjectives for your Special Thanks in the book!

For those others reading this post... don't you want to win? We have a lot more to give! All you have to do is Back this project for at least $1 and I will add you to the wonderful lists of those who are eligible for Random Rolls.

Let's track that calendar! Let's see who else joins us, and what else is won!

Take care, happy gaming, and I will see you all tomorrow!





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