about 2 months ago

Project Update: Pins are almost finished production!

Thanks to everyone who paid for their pledge! I’ve been told that all the pins are due to be finished around the 22nd of July, which will mean they will make it to me around the start of August. 

This coming week you’ll start to get your surveys to collect both postal information and which pins you wanted (if you ordered a pack that requires a selection). 

I’ve unfortunately lost contact with the manufacturer of the card sleeves, they are not answering my emails back - so if they don’t get back to me before pins are ready to send to backers, I’ll either refund those that got card sleeves or if you want you can contact me to swap for another item. 

There will also be a preorder store open when surveys go out - so if you have friends who missed out they can get their set at better pricing before I place them on my website! 




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