Project Update: Prototypes of Kieran, Trish, and Collab Pin, Order Payments, and More!
Hey y'all! Hope you're having a fantastic week!
I wanted to do a new update to let you know I've received images of the Kieran pin, Trish pin, and Collab pin prototypes! Here they are;
I wanted to do a new update to let you know I've received images of the Kieran pin, Trish pin, and Collab pin prototypes! Here they are;
I think they all look real nice, very happy with how they came out in pin form!! Wanted to make sure y'all could see this prior to the survey going out, just in case you were on the fence for Kieran or Trish!
Additionally, I got the very first photos of the Dreamy plush prototype! It's still extremely in the works, so I'll hold off on sharing photos until it's closer to the desired outcome!!
Also, I wanted to update y'all to let you know-- If your payment failed on backerkit, you need to re-enter your card information for it to charge again. I know it's a little confusing, so I've included a couple screenshots as to how to reach this info;
First, you can click on your backerkit account info, under the 'backer' heading, right here;
Once you're in your pledges & surveys, click on the campaign in question. You can access your payment info and change it/update it there!
OR, if you checked out with just your email, you can access it this way;
You should've received an email if you payment went through, OR if your payment did not go through. If not, at the bottom of the email, you should have a link that says 'please update your payment information.' If you click on that link, you'll be taken to the page to update your info. You can re-enter your card info to have the payment be sent through. I had to call my bank and let them know my backerkit charges were all a-ok before half of them went through, haha! It's always interesting at the end of a campaign!
If you have any other questions or concerns, please let me know, always happy to answer questions! Also, as I promised a couple updates ago, here's a little Kieran interaction piece, since Kieran's the only one who wasn't included before!
Cuddlin' with the Bob and Dreamy plushies! If you wanted to pre-order them yourself to help them unlock, please check them out here! PLEASE keep in mind, all previous backers, that you'll have a chance to pre-order them via the backer survey coming out in a little over a week now, so please wait for them then. If you pre-order them in advanced, you may be charged twice for shipping, and I would really like that not to happen to ya!!
Thank you all so, so much for your support once again, and have a fantastic rest of your week! The surveys should be going out a week from Friday, but I will be conducting a smoke test early to ensure the surveys are not flawed and easy to understand. Please keep an eye out for them. Thank you!!