Retailer pledge level

Includes 54 items

  • ×2
    Dungeon Denizens 2 color hardcover (5E)
  • ×1
    Dungeon Denizens 2 monster hide hardcover (5E)
  • ×2
    Dungeon Denizens 2 color hardcover (DCC)
  • ×1
    Dungeon Denizens 2 monster hide hardcover (DCC)
  • ×4
    2-Page Dungeon Delves #2 (Print)
Retailer pledge level at wholesale terms. For verified retail accounts only. Thanks to the retailer at GAMA who gave us some good insights, this retailer pledge level is tiered according to expected demand. It has "more" of the core items and "less" of the accessory items. This pledge level does NOT include the T-shirt, VTT tokens, or items without retailer-friendly packaging (d16 and Advanced Advantage Playtest Pack). Shipping fees collected post-campaign in Pledge Manager

Retailer pledge level


175 remaining