Philip LaRose
10 months ago

Project Update: Pledge Manager is opening, surveys are going out!

Hey everyone, we’re ready to launch the Pledge Manager and send out our backer surveys!

For most of you, this is when you’ll tell us the name and pronouns you want on your badge. For some of you, you’ll also let us know what name or organization you want recognized for sponsoring our event. And for all of you, this is your final opportunity to order the tote bag and/or dungeon map poster, as well as pick up additional badges or sponsorships, through the add-ons.

Initially the survey will go out to only a small number of you, to give us a chance to make sure we’ve got everything set up correctly for the different levels, and then we’ll send it out to the rest of you. So if you don’t get a survey right away, don’t panic, it’s coming!

Please do fill out your survey as soon as you can! Although we’re not shipping any physical rewards, we do still need time to get those produced, and that goes too for preparing the badges and sponsorship recognitions. 

Thanks so much for your support! We can’t wait to see you in July, it’ll be sooner than you think!




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