Gnome Made Games
8 months ago

Project Update: Complete Your Survey!

Good afternoon!

Pledge Surveys

First off, pledge surveys are live so go fill that out if you haven't already! That's the way we can order the correct number of copies and fulfill orders in a timely way when that time comes. You can also add add-ons if there's something you saw earlier that you've decided you still want.

More Art!

I got back in touch with our artist StickyHunter and commissioned more art from her. I think we'll get away with almost doubling our initial art budget, so look forward to that!

New Hires

Please welcome Luna Norwood and Poorna Mazumdar to the team! Luna is our graphic designer doing layout, and Poorna is our editor. They're both very skilled and accomplished, and we're so excited to have them involved! 


Beta playtesting is ongoing and has already been very valuable. I've got to hand it to playtesters for running the game through the gauntlet and helping ensure that it not only works but that it's more agile and fun.

That's it for now. Thanks for being a part of this! I can't wait until we're all creating (or destroying) our own worlds. Thanks very much!
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