Gila RPGs
8 months ago

Project Update: Add-Ons Delivered, Books Shipping

Hey everyone!

The books arrived just before the holiday, and they look great! I've been spending the last couple days packing up orders and getting things ready to ship out.

1. Today I'll be dropping off about 75% of the pledges to the post office. You should have received an email from PirateShip with your tracking number. There was such a high demand for DUSK add-ons that I needed to order a reprint, and so those should be arriving at my place soon so that I can finish sending off the remaining orders. We're on track to fulfill on time!

2. Just now I sent out the keys for the add-ons. These will come as emails from, so make sure to check your inbox and spam folder for them! You'll receive a separate email for each add-on you included, so if you added more than one game to your order make sure to look for multiple emails! At the bottom of each of those emails is a link to claim your copy of the game. Click that, claim the game to your itch account, and the PDF is all yours! And by attaching it to your itch account, you'll always have the most updated version of each game, as well as receive any devlogs or updates I make for them.

If you haven't received a tracking number, one of these situations might explain it:
1. Check your spam, it could be there!
2. You didn't fill out the survey yet.
3. You filled out the survey, but your credit card of file errored, and that needs to be fixed.
4. Your card was charged, but you're part of the group with DUSK add-ons that are waiting for the reprint. Be patient, it will be arriving soon and you'll get your tracking number when they ship!
5. Some other unexplained error, we'll figure it out.

If you're concerned about your pledge, or have any questions, the best way to get ahold of me is email. Backerkit's notification system for comments is horrendous, with some comments not hitting my inbox until days after they are posted.

So, if you have any questions, EMAIL ME: [email protected]

As we're in the final stretch here, there will be one last update when the last of the books are out and we can officially wrap up the campaign. Hope you enjoy NEST!





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