Rev Joey Royale
1 day ago

Project Update: $12K- Holy Cow! More Stretch Goals Unlocked

I got two awesome pals on board to show us their takes on the town of Fairhaven. 

Ian McGarty will now be contributing to the "We All Have Secrets" his adventure "The Maple is Running".

Ian's Bio:
Begat of a tumultuous affair between a fomori and a leprechaun, Ian McGarty grew to enormous size in short time. After being gifted a small cache of first edition D&D and AD&D books to begin his leprechaun horde, Ian was fully immersed in the world of role playing. He has written for anyone daring enough to hire him and is one half of a happy business marriage with Jayson Rocky Gardner in Silver Bulette Publishing, the publisher of Fantastic Geographic, an OS multisystem RPG zine. He also dabbles in cartography and his maps can be found in products by Skeeter Green Productions, Frog God Games, Silver Bulette, Throwi Games, and DM’s Guild. He knocked off a bucket list item doing the maps for an Ed Greenwood book in Thay: Land of the Red Wizards. In his day gig, you can find him wrangling his kids on crazy adventures with his wife and working to provide speech pathology services to folks in need.

Tim Snider being kind, creative soul that he is is contributing pdfs of his amazing zine "13 This Week." Here's the details:


Fanzine for use with the Weird Heroes of Public Access RPG (WHPA TV13)

"Tonight on The Midnight Mortuary, join Dr. Phil Mel DeHyde as he hosts the 1973 classic 'Do You Want Fries with Death?' Also this evening, we'll be airing episodes of Brusque Conversations with Morton Douglas Reems and Knitting With Martha. Next up, though, is Roller Derby Roundup, followed by Name That Squatch! Stay tuned to WHPA TV13, Fairhaven!"

13 This Week is a fanzine with materials and adventures for use with the Weird Heroes of Public Access RPG by Get Haunted Industries! This issue of 13 This Week -- your premium public access guide to Fairhaven -- contains the following articles:

  • WHPA Job Postings -- Want to host your own public access show? The station has openings for both Children's Entertainment and Informerical Salesperson! (Two new hero roles for players)
  • Weekly TV Listings -- Every public access show airing on WHPA for the week of January 10-16 is listed in detail! (Each show offers new adventure hooks and inspiration for your own adventures throughout Fairhaven)
  • Two WHPA TV13 Special Feature Presentations -- The players will face a possessed roller derby team in "Wiseguys On Wheels" and cultists from The Church of GOTO 10 in "Hello World"! (Two mini-adventures for the Weird Heroes of Public Access RPG)





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