so, fair haven is set up so that we can port/imprint our own take on it. I figure most of us will port ideas from their own hometown/city, or experiences. what are some ideas folks have? I'll share some mine. Fairhaven is a wee satellite city, roughly 20,000 (lost?) souls. it's about 30km outside Madison city to the east, a small city of 200,000. The small town folks of Fairhaven have a gentle rivalry with MC. Part jealousy and a feeling of inadequacy, part sneering at the absurdness of these city slickers. to the west, at a distance of of roughly 7 miles is Greenville. it's bout 12,500 and very industrial. a slowly dying steeltown. Unemployment is high, substance abuse is noticeable. there are sports team rivalries, "we're better' rivalries, all are pretty benign, and the three settlements really support each other. there's hilly and forested region to the west, between Fairhaven and Greenville, and beyond. The note has the same, and it's spooky, especially int he autumn, local legends of cryptids and the like abound. to the east of Madison City likes the huge interstate, connecting the trip city are with he eastern seaboard mega population. All three cities are largelyn.employed at the local X-Tec subsidiaries. the largest being a laboratory between Madison City and Fairhaven. the others being toy companies, fast-food joints and the like smattered around the "tri-city" area. That's what I got, so far. Howsabout youse guys?





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