Gehenna Gaming
8 months ago

Project Update: Update #10 - AND WE'RE FUNDED!

Wow. $138,411 was raised from 1,454 backers. That's more than double our original goal, and nearly 14x this campaign's funding goal. You've blown us away with your support, praise, and amazing feedback so far, and we're so grateful for your backing on this project!

So What's Next?

Now that we're funded, Nick is about to head to Gen Con, where we'll be running demos of E//A all weekend. While he and our convention team are doing that, Ian is hard at work setting up the pre-order page, setting up the pledge manager, and organizing our accounting.

In terms of the book - we're working on three things right now.
  1. Updating the Quicklaunch Guide and releasing a print-on-demand version,
  2. Finalizing the core rulebook manuscript with our writers before it moves into editing; and,
  3. Initiating art direction, reviewing drafts, and getting our contracts in order.

What does this mean for you? We'll regularly update you on status changes when the book moves into a new phase and share teasers on art and lore over the next few months. The big update will come when the book is ready to send off to the printer. Unless any major layout changes are needed at that point, we'll move to finalizing and releasing the PDF to backers for feedback and errata before finalizing and sending it to print.

So stay tuned. We should have the pre-order page up in a few days so you can share it with your friends and grab any add-ons you missed during the campaign. And you'll be hearing from us soon!

Projects We Love

Wouldn't be an update without another project we love to share! This one is from one of our team members! Ellie Collins, a core Gehenna Gaming team member and our accessibility editor for E//A, is launching a very cool craft project this October - Witchieware!

What is Witchieware?
"The witch Mareike is quite generous. She's always offering help to those in need. However, her assistance always comes at a price. For those who are unwilling to pay up when due, she has an alternative for them... become little jars on her shelf."

These synthetic wood standees bring the little jars to life, each with their own story. The jars are designed in the style of kitsch condiment jars the creator found in her great-grandmother's house and have been designed to represent their new ill-fated souls. Wave 1 will feature jars of Deadly Nightshade, Mermaid Tears, and more. Stretch goals will contain 5 additional designs, such as Moth Wings, Wolfsbane, and more!

Don't miss this amazing project - Follow it now.
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