Project Update: Post Campaign #2
Surveys go out this week!
We had a bit of an issue getting everything all set up with all the color variants, but we finally have a survey that works correctly and should pull everything correctly!
We hope to submit a smokescreen during early/mid week, and by the end of the week, everyone should have their survey!
We hope to start production at the end of the Month!
The survey will also add shipping to your order! SHIPPING WILL NOT BE CHARGED AT THIS TIME! It will be charged at a later date!
We had a bit of an issue getting everything all set up with all the color variants, but we finally have a survey that works correctly and should pull everything correctly!
We hope to submit a smokescreen during early/mid week, and by the end of the week, everyone should have their survey!
We hope to start production at the end of the Month!
The survey will also add shipping to your order! SHIPPING WILL NOT BE CHARGED AT THIS TIME! It will be charged at a later date!