We have translated the superior Metal chaos of DCC into the stadium Rock language of 5e ... and it is good!
The Basilica stands. The Four Horsemen ride. The weight of Free W...
Rob Swanson
30 days ago
Update to Armageddon!
Hail, Children of the Sea!
The Metal Gods of the Apocalypse module is nearly complete... hammered into shape on the anvil of edits, sharpened to a killing edge, and drippin...
Rob Swanson
3 months ago
Update for Armageddon!
Hail Harbingers!
First off, Jeff Witty has just provided one of the last pieces of art we need... he did a phenomenal job in homage to an iconic metal album from 83'.
Rob Swanson
4 months ago
Hail Metal Legions!
To all the warriors who brought this project to life, THANK YOU for smashing past the 5K goal! The maps in this module will be forged into printable post...
Rob Swanson
4 months ago
48 HOURS LEFT to back Metal Gods of the Apocalypse, the ultimate descent into riff-shredding chaos! UNLEASH your group into a module where they BECOME the Four Horse...
Rob Swanson
4 months ago
Hail Metal Legions!
The Metal Gods of the Apocalypse raise their horns to YOU—the warriors, dreamers, and rifflords who’ve joined our crusade! Your support fuels the f...
Unlock the full potential of the Deck of Blessings. This deck (now 72 cards!) includes item cards and clue cards to hand out to the players. The deck comes in a tuck box to hold the whole deck.
Goal: 50 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
Unlock the full potential of the Deck of Blessings. This deck (now 72 cards!) includes item cards and clue cards to hand out to the players. The deck comes in a tuck box to hold the whole deck.
The Metal Gods of the Apocalypse module is nearly complete... hammered into shape on the anvil of edits, sharpened to a killing edge, and dripping with the raw power of the abyss! Our custom guitar picks are on their way, each one a talisman of power, and the deck art is locked in, screaming with visions of the apocalypse!
The Pick of Destiny
We’re tightening every last bolt before we unleash this beast upon the world. Soon, you'll hold the sacred tome in your hands, ready to bring doom and glory to your table. The end is near... and it sounds like thunder!