Her Cup Overfloweth is a duet game about sexy teasing, the tension of pushing hard but not too hard, the space between an invigorating sting and a painful wound. It is a game about learning how to love someone, and showing someone how to love you.
Her Cup Overfloweth is a game for two players about sexy teasing, about the tension of pushing hard but never too hard, about the space between an invigorating sting and a painful wound.
It’s a game about learning how to love someone, and about showing someone how to love you.
One player is the Queen: powerful, compelling, giving. Teasing.
The other player is the Princess: lovely, vulnerable, receiving. Teased.
Working together, you will define the vulnerabilities and boundaries that exist between the Queen and the Princess. Then you will explore them in play through description, dialogue, and through a glass: into which the Queen pours water, and from which the Princess drinks water.
When the cup overflows - because the Queen poured more than the glass could hold, because the Princess chose to spill - the teasing ends. Together you decide what happens next.
First published in in issue 1 of Mixed Success, Her Cup Overfloweth is now available for the first time in a standalone format, in a lovingly detailed mixed-media zine.
Her Cup Overfloweth will be a 28 page zine (pending final layout), with both physical and digital copies available. The physical copies will be printed in black and white at our 350$ goal, and full colour if we are able to reach 500$. Each zine will be printed at a local worker owned cooperative print shop and lovingly hand bound with black lace by Allison herself.
This is a unique game, and we knew it needed a unique presentation, but we weren't sure what until we tried rendering some of the pages in mixed media collage.
Three full art pages of the Zine
We are incredibly excited to work in mixed media for the first time; it's unlocked a lot of inspiration about this game and other projects, and we think it's creating an absolutely gorgeous zine.
This crowdfunding campaign is principally to finance a print run of Her Cup Overfloweth, so this very analog game can stop out into the real world.
Her Cup Overfloweth is co-written and co-designed by Gal Pal Games, Allison Cole and Dora Dee Rogers. We are gal pals, and together we make tabletop role-playing games about femininity, lesbian culture, and sapphic love. Her Cup Overfloweth will be our fifth crowdfunding campaign, and we're excited to bring out first project to Backerkit; past projects include the CRIT Award-nominated Alchemistresses.
Gal Pal Games is joined for project by the talented Jamie Lavin, an experienced mixed media artist who is creating a cover for Her Cup Overfloweth and inspired the mixed media direction of the project.
We are very excited to offer a collaboration with Darling Demon Eclipse for this fundraiser! Eclipse is currently funding Dracotrophication, a game about a Dragon and a Maiden. Will the two continue to enjoy the Dragon's bountiful lair, or will the Maiden be devoured in one great bite?
We approached Eclipse about a collaboration after noticing the obvious superficial similarities: a Queen and a Princess, a Dragon and a Maiden. Intimacy in tension. Really gay vibes. In particular, Dracotrophication seemed like a natural fit for the art style we're using for Her Cup Overfloweth, and Allison was inspired to make a collage featuring the Dragon and the Maiden.
Here's how collaborations work on Backerkit: if both projects fund, everyone who backed both of them will get special collaboration rewards. In this case, you'll get a collage from us of the Dragon and the Maiden, and an essay about sapphic domination and submission in TTRPGs from Eclipse. Eclipse is passionate and articulate on the subject of kink and queer sexuality in TTRPGs as you can see on their recent post about Faggot Games.
Check out Dracotrophication, and let's make both projects a success!