Thanks so much for helping us out with this ambitious project. Digital tools can be powerful, and its high time Fragged got its own!! If you have an interest in keeping taps on the development of Nexus (and want to lend us your thoughts), please be sure to join the Fragged discord channel. We would also LOVE to hear what VTT system you like to you (Foundry, Rol20, etc...).
I hope everyone enjoyed my big email the other day, showing all the various projects that I'm working on. For those who missed it:
Fragged Kingdom is my largest project at this time. Playtesting over the past year has gone well, and all rules are freely available on the Fragged discord (see the pinned comment in the #fk2-discussion channel, I also like to post WIP art there). Art and lore for this project are going well, but I'm wanting to take my time with things. I've advanced the timeline forward 200 years (the goddess Neph is dead, new nations, the (sci-fi) gods are on the move, etc...) and I'm working hard to give the setting a unique flavor and fantastic visuals. There are also two new core playable species: the Creet and the Dracim!
Crowdfunding for this will most likely be early next year, and I will structure things as I did with Fragged Empire 2 (two core books - rules and setting - with a stretch goal for a 3rd book... I've not yet decided if this 3rd book will be about monsters or religions... let me know what you would like to see!).
Here are draft stats for the Creet for FE2 (Dracim would be Nephilim):
+1 Physical, Planets, Heavy Arms and Operations.
Reduce all End Dmg against you by 2 (min 1, Stacks).
Calm animals (including feral Nephilim) do not have run/eat instincts towards you.
Languages: Creet and Corp.
-2 max Intelligence.
Fragged Cosmos is my board game, and the only non-RPG project that I'm working on. I'm SUPER happy with the core design (seriously... its amazing!), but it is taking some time to polish and flesh things out with help from the talented Karl Lang from Ark Angel Games. I expect to crowdfund this project late next year, but I'm not 100% certain (as making a board game is very different to RPG books). Playtesting will open up in the second half of this year via our Discord channel and Tabletop Simulator.
Finally, the secretive Fragged Empire: RAG-TAG project! I've been keeping this one under wraps for a while now, but I think its time to unveil this project that I will be releasing this year!
RAG-TAG is a rules light (gasp!) system for the Fragged Empire setting. If you've played MOTHERSHIP, MÖRK BORG or OSR games you will get the vibe that I've been aiming for... but with just a little more 'heroic' edge. So if the Fragged setting has always been enjoyable to you or your gaming group, but the Fragged rules have not been to your taste, then this may be a good fit.
Also... it is going to be INTENSE on the eyes, with every page layered in visuals. This will be a PDF and Print On Demand (double gasp!) product when it is released.