Moe Lane
9 days ago

Project Update: We've hit the second stretch goal! Also, the Backerkit ends tomorrow.

The second stretch goal means that the artist and layout artist both get a little tip. Nothing spectacular, but a little extra thank-you. In the meantime, the Fermi Resolution Worldbook has until tomorrow to hit the following stretch goals:

  • $4,000: Another PDF adventure! This will be available to for all backers at Senior Adventurer and above. This adventure will be set in the current campaign time period. A critical forward base in captured Dominion territory isn't reporting in. There aren't enough Alliance troops available to investigate, but that's why there are Adventurers. There will be maps! (Based on my short story "Job Along the Borderlands.")
  • $6,000: A third PDF adventure! This will be available to for all backers at Senior Adventurer and above. This adventure will be set in the opening years of the Great War. There has been a mysterious murder in Boston's fabled underground Antiquity. Who or what is the murderer, what are their plans, and what is to be done about it all? There will be maps! (Based on the yet-to-be-published-in-an-anthology short story "Never Return."

The good guys. No, really.

Again, the Backerkit ends tomorrow. Let's end on a high note!
Another PDF adventure, for all backers at Senior Adventurer and above!
Goal: $3,402 / $4,000
We need $598 more to reach this goal.





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