The Money [All-in level]

Includes 3 items

  • ×1
  • ×1
    Digital copy, Fermi Resolution Worldbook
  • ×1
    Fermi Resolution Worldbook (softcover)
This is the all-in-one pledge level, including any stretch goals (but not add-ons). With this pledge you'll get the art, including maps. You'll also get a digital copy and a physical softcover copy of the Fermi Resolution worldbook, fulfilled by DriveThruRPG. Specifically: OPTIONAL DISCOUNTED PRINT-ON-DEMAND VERSION – For this campaign, you will have the option of using DriveThru’s Print-On-Demand (POD) service to purchase a physical, printed copy of the book included in your list of rewards directly from their POD partners at discounted cost. When the POD versions are available to order (sometime after the book has gone to print), you will receive links to purchase these versions of the book from DriveThru. Digital rewards will be fulfilled by Backerkit or DriveThruRPG: the physical rewards will be fulfilled via DriveThruRPG. This level does not include shipping for physical items.

The Money [All-in level]


7 Backers