7 months ago

Project Update: Important update - please read!

So I've returned from Otakon, and brought myself a wonderful gift - Covid 🙃 in order to ensure I don't pass that on to any of you, I am going to wait until I am recovered to pack any orders. I hate to delay things even further, but I would feel terrible if I somehow infected someone by touching things with my sickly hands 😭

That being said, when I did get to sorting some of the pins to bring with me to Otakon, I realized that what I received, while it still looked very cute and resembled the original drawings, did not match what I ordered. Because this was my first pin order I agreed to UV printing the details onto the pins...I, however, did NOT realize this meant they would be UV printing EVERYTHING including the paw color. So essentially unless the part had glitter or in the case of the jelly peets, was translucent, it was just UV printed onto the metal. 
I am extremely upset with myself and the manu for taking advantage of my naivety in pinmaking, but at this point there isn't anything I can do other than use a different manu in the future. I've included a couple close ups to demonstrate what I mean to you all. 
The pins themselves still look ADORABLE and I'm excited to have them - but I also wanted to be fully transparent with you all and apologize for the difference in final appearance from what I thought I would be sending to you. 

I will hopefully have another update in the coming 7-10 days that I am feeling well enough to not worry about passing along the virus to anyone. I should also have updates on all custom peekers for those who ordered in the next couple of days, for final approval before I order the stickers themselves!
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