Our art director (and artist, and editor - we are not a big team), Lore, has zeroed in on the illustration style for the interiors of the book. We're thinking striking shapes and punches of a single colour per image.
I'm not 100% sold on this font - it'll be a beast to print and I'm not happy with the readability. But for the sake of showing off this illustration, it'll do.
Art by Lore Evans
At the moment, our plan is for every Antagonist in the book to get an original illustration; for the rest of the book, we're relying on combining Lore's illustrations with stock photos for a scratchy, grungy, photobashed art style. More illustrations is an important stretch goal though, so if you like this, maybe convince your friends to grab a copy of Meatbags too, so we can BUY MORE ART.