Evil Hat Productions
about 1 month ago

Project Update: Smoke Tests & Surveys

Hey friends,

We're gearing up to shift the campaign into pledge management mode!

What this means for you:

  1. Within the next week we'll be sending out pledge fulfillment surveys. A small percentage of you will be in our "smoke test" group and receive your survey tomorrow.
  2. Your backer survey will enable you to enter your address, update and confirm your pledge, and add-on any items you didn't include in your initial pledge.
  3. Some of the premium add-on items will have limited quantities. Once we reach that limit, we won't be bumping it up. So take a look at any add-ons you might want and reserve them.
  4. We are not close to fulfillment. (We're still waiting on art.)
  5. We will not be locking orders for a couple months. So if you're moving soon, do not sweat it.
  6. We are not ready to charge you for shipping. That will happen down the road when the printer has the finished producing the books. We'll give you a heads-up.

In terms of production, we're still cruising along with our project plan. We've got artwork for the Slayer's Survival Kit finished. The art for the Hunter's Journal is still underway. We recently completed another full editing pass. We don't have any deliverables to share at this time because the text is not fully finalized.

This step mostly enables us to take pre-orders from people who missed the crowdfunding portion of the campaign, so if you have any friends who want to get in on it, let them know.

That's the update. We're moving forward!




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