Evil Hat Productions
over 1 year ago

Project Update: Transcend into... Pledge Management Mode!

Hey friends, it's been quiet for a couple weeks here as we've been working behind the scenes but we're ready to pull the switch on BackerKit from "Crowdfunding Mode" to "Pledge Management Mode." Here's what you can expect in the next couple days:

  1. We'll send out a "smoke test" to a limited number of backers so they can check their pledge and delivery info and order add-ons and we can make sure we've got everything configured properly on the back end.
  2. Assuming that shakes out okay, we'll push surveys live to all 5,486 (!!) of you. You'll get an email from BackerKit linking to a survey where we collect your mailing address and review your rewards. If you want to add additional rewards to your pledge, you'll be able to do that as well. There are some restrictions for add-ons depending on what tier you are in, see "A Note About Add-ons" section below for an explainer on that.
    • If you are expecting to move soon, don't worry - later this year, after the books are printed and our warehouse is spinning up fulfillment we'll give you a chance to update and lock in your address.
  3. When surveys go live, pre-orders will also go live. If you have a friend who missed the campaign, this is their chance to get in on the same wave of fulfillment as the original backers. Spread the word!

That covers the basics of moving into Pledge Management mode. In a few months, as we get closer to having things finalized and ready for delivery, we will lock orders and charge cards, and update your Digital Rewards page with links to PDFs, Roll20 redemption codes, etc. Shipping on physical goods will be charged later. 

We're making steady progress and the project is on track. Here's a few snapshots of the preliminary proofs we got from the printer:

And just a reminder that the stretch goals for the Zine By Moonlight will be produced and delivered separately. They will not be in the book, they will not be delivered when the final PDF drops, they will be delivered as they are completed. We are not holding up production of the core game to gather all the contributions from our 40 different stretch goal contributors. We also want to give them time to turn in something great!

And finally... A Note About Add-ons
The short version is: If you pledged for a digital-only tier, you can only add digital items to your pledge.  If you pledged for a physical tier (like Hardcover + PDF) you can add any reward to your pledge. Mostly this is due to the fact that we don't ship worldwide and the shipping destination is only screened if we're expecting to actually ship you a book.

Good news: If you pledged for the PDF Only tier and now want a physical book, you still can get one!  (Caveat being: you reside in one of the countries we ship to: USA, UK, Canada, Australia, NZ, Ireland, or Norway.)

Upgrading from digital-only to a physical reward can be done when you get your survey. When you start the survey, the first form will contain a drop-down box showing whether you have a Digital-Only or Physical Reward coming. If you want to upgrade from Digital to Physical, you switch the option in that drop-down box, it credits you for the money we've already collected and then you go on to pick whatever Physical tier you want. We'll be happy to walk you through the finer details of that once surveys have gone out.

Long update, but we had important information to share and we're trying to anticipate as many questions as we can.

Thanks for your time and attention. Look for your BackerKit survey soon!
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