1) Thanks and kudos to Helafor catching an error in the ebook file -- Final Rest 2/20 was missing! Not only that, it's a full-page comic, which means I had to cut a whole page somewhere else.
Good news, there are lots of Sunday one-shots that are easy to move around. So I dropped one of the standalone bonuses about the Neineikuras, and you'll see that reappear in a later volume.
After I get the paperback proof, I'll see if I need to make any more edits based on that, then make the new ebook PDF and re-upload it for you.
2) The mini-prints have arrived! Still wrapped in plastic, to protect them from dangers like "the cat sneezing on them" before it's time to start shipping. (Pictured: the prints + the sneezer.)
3) The paperback files are ready for the printer. Next update will probably be the "here's the proof copy, check it out" post.
In the meantime, I jumped ahead to make the fresh new InDesign document for Volume 7, and to start adding high-res strips.
...and it's basically full? Including a buffer for some planned-but-not-finished comic images, it's currently 184 pages. A couple weeks from now, what I post will have to become the first strips of Volume 8.
We might eventually get a Leif & Thorn book where I don't have all the strips finished months before I start the crowdfunding campaign! But it's definitely not a risk with Volume 7.