Thanks for all your support! This is our first crowdfunding campaign on Backerkit, and we're so pleased to have you pledge to bring the Gate Pass Gazette Annual to life.
We're delighted to share that we've met our stretch goal, and so The Gate Pass Gazette Annual 2024 will be printed as an offset print run!
Over 300 copies of the The Gate Pass Gazette Annual 2024 have been selected as part of pledge tiers, add-ons, or bundles, and so we are upgrading everybody's book to an offset print run at no extra cost. The offset print run version will be printed to the same standard as all Level Up A5E books and have a ribbon books mark.
We have a proof copy of the print on demand version of the book which you can see pictured here. We'll share the digital version with backers as soon as the campaign ends via the updates on backerkit!
Customer Service
Morrus, Jessica and Xin will always try to get back to you as quickly as possible.
We will keep you updated here on the Backerkit page with updates each month. You can also comment here on backerkit, or you can email us directly to [email protected] if you need to discuss private information you don't want posted publicly (like confirming your address etc).
Once backers have collectively pledged for 300 copies of the hardcover book, we will upgrade all books to an offset print run (instead of print on demand)
Goal: 300 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!