The New Age Rage + Nessa Finnegan soft enamel pin collection for power and protection features one of each of our own designs, and a third pin that is a special collaboration, all approximately sized 1-inch/25mm wide. We hope to empower and protect any wearers of these pins from further patriarchal persecution against their fundamental rights to rage loudly, bleed proudly, and choose freely what to do with their lives and bodies. A portion of proceeds will be donated to Indigenous Women Rising in the U.S. supporting Indigenous women's rights to equitable and culturally safe health options through accessible health education, resources, advocacy and abortion funds.
Read more about the pins and their hexing powers below:
Shipping will be charged after the campaign ends and addresses are collected.
Costs are subject to change based on USPS rates at the time of shipping, but estimate an additional $6 U.S. / $15 International for sending up to 3 pins.
We will do our best to ensure the most accurate shipping costs for all!
Welcome to the world of crowdfunding! Crowdfunding is a collaborative way to bring ideas and projects to life. Project creators (Eloise & Nessa) post their idea for a project (pins), and backers (that's you witch) pledge money to make the project possible. Backing a crowdfunding campaign is not quite the same as purchasing an item from a store. When you back a campaign (like our pin collection) you are supporting the creation of something brand new and all the production, packaging, and promotional needs that go into it, the time and work of the creators, and in the case of this campaign, also fundraising for Indigenous Women Rising.
Now that you have pledged/ backed/ hexed, what next? On 7th Feb: Your payment method will be charged. After 7th Feb: You will receive a survey via email. The survey includes the pin options you want, shipping address and payment for shipping. You can also add to your order here - no problemo. The sooner you return the survey, the sooner Eloise & Nessa can jump into production mode. We will keep you up to date on progress and you will receive a confirmation email when your pledge(pins) are successfully processed and on their way to you, as well as when the final donation that you helped support to Indigenous Women Rising is made!
A reminder on shipping information: -Shipping will be charged after the campaign ends and addresses are collected via the survey. -Costs are subject to change based on U.S. Postal Service rates at the time of shipping, but estimate an additional $6 U.S. / $15 International for sending up to 3 pins. -We will do our best to ensure the most accurate shipping costs for all!
New Age Rage + Nessa Finnegan are launching their first collaboration and crowdfunding project together to help fight the patriarchy! We are both creative women with backgrounds in graphic design, self-publishing and textiles, with a common thread of witchy feminism explored in much of our work. We thought the Pintopia project would be a good place to channel our creative powers in response to the assault on women's rights around the world the past year, from anti-abortion laws in the U.S., to women being banned from getting an education in Afghanistan. We are sick and tired of people who identify as women being treated as anything less than equal and having their health and safety put at risk by outdated patriarchal systems, but believe thru connection, creativity, and intention we can persevere, support each other, and hex the hell the out of the patriarchy. Support the cause and grab a pin or three!
This project is participating in Pintopia 2023 —  a series of 20 small-scale enamel pin projects from a diverse group of creators collectively launching on Crowdfunding by BackerKit. All Pintopia projects will be LIVE from January 17th at 10 AM PST until February 7th at 1 PM PST.
Since there are so many awesome projects participating in Pintopia, we can’t imagine you’ll choose just one. As a thank-you to those that back multiple projects, BackerKit will be shipping out limited edition pins including some amazing creator-collab pins for FREE to those that reach the following milestones:
A limited edition pin from BackerKit
Let’s make sure each and every Pintopia project gets 100% funded!