Ellen Million
3 months ago

Project Update: Magnetic Book Box is a GO and more stretch goals!!

I am so, so, so happy that we made it to the magnetic book box! This was the desire of my heart - the tuck box was fine, but the magnetic book box takes the project to a whole new level and thank you SO MUCH for helping us get there!!

Not only did we unlock that, but a second bonus card, and I've posted four more stretch goals, which include a free sticker, more bonus cards, and free PDF downloads of every layout in the project for all backers!

See all the stretch goals (and pledge if you haven't yet!) here!

I did want to clarify that simple swag and bonus cards are counted BY DECK. So if you order an extra deck as an add-on, you get another bookmark, sticker, and all the bonus cards. The Companion Guidebooks will include full page descriptions for the bonus cards as a special Crowdfunded Edition, BUT the mini guidebooks will not include these bonus cards. I will send a PDF of the full descriptions to all backers and will include a tiny cheat sheet that you can include with your deck.

Here's a look at the bonus cards!

(Hopefully, with this many stretch goals stacked up, I won't have to crawl back into your inbox for a few days!)

I also wanted to let you know that I am still investigating gold edges for the Companion Guidebook. I'm waiting for a few supplies to get here in the mail that should be here in a few days, hopefully, so I can do some test painting. This will probably be an add-on because it's a fair amount of extra work! 

I've had a few people ask how to claim coloring book titles! There will be a survey sent at the end of the campaign and you can choose then, but if you want one of the very limited titles, you can email me at [email protected] or reply here and I'll add you to my spreadsheet. 

Be sure to ask if you have any questions! And as always, all my love and gratitude!





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