Ellen Million
3 months ago

Project Update: Card and bookmark sneak previews!

We're sooooooo close to unlocking the first bonus card!

This will be the card, Birches, and the four guide words will be Collect (Act), Sort (React), Organization (Reflect), and Community (Shine). This card reminds you that each tree is important, but together they make a forest!

Birch trees are particularly important to me - I live in a house that my husband and I built in a birch forest in Alaska, and I used it for my paranormal romance pen name! I particularly wanted to make this bonus card a card about community, because that's how we're making the project happen. <3

...and once again, AS I'm writing this update, we passed this stretch goal. The bonus card is unlocked and we're a mere $10 from the magnetic book box that is my heart's desire. I am shrieking and dancing around again, and if I had neighbors, they'd be looking at me funny. (They'd be doing that a lot.)

Here are the sketches I've started for the bookmark design - I'll be refining both of these a little further and letting you vote on them before I ink them. The art cards are from this year's junicorn challenge, which I am JUST crazy enough to be trying to do. These are junicorns 7-9! The strawberry card isn't quite finished yet.

Next Stretch Goal!

Stretch Goal #5 is the magnetic book box and I'm so excited that we're nearly there!!

Looking ahead, Stretch Goal #6 will be another bonus card, and in this case, I've decided on the artwork...but not the guide words. It's a whimsical piece with a rainbow-tailed squirrel-unicorn holding a key in front of a castle, and I would love your ideas in the comments! The dominant aspect will be Act. 

I do have the printed proofs of the Companion Guidebook in my hot hands right now, and my husband says they are utterly gorgeous and frankly amazing and he's really impressed. He's really hard to impress and not at all into unicorns, so I'm taking this as very high praise. I'll try to get some flip-throughs together so you can see more of the insides, but I've got some more photos up on Tik Tok now: https://www.tiktok.com/@ellenthemillion/photo/7380058389700807978

Here's a look at everything all laid out together! 

You might get tired of me saying thank you all the time, but I am so unbelievably grateful for everyone who is making this happen. I couldn't do it without you. 

All my love,




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