Ellen Million
3 months ago

Project Update: FUNDED!!!

I'm dancing around like a loon this morning, because we are FUNDED! The unicorns are COMING! Thank you so much to everyone who has made this possible! <3 <3 I am struggling to explain how grateful I am, and how much this means to me.

Coloring book add-ons are first come first served and some of the titles are limited! You'll make your selections when the campaign ends and your survey is sent, but if you want to reserve one of the rarer books, just shoot me an email, reply, or comment and I'll claim them for you!

We are only $50 from unlocking the first stretch goal, We've just unlocked the first stretch goal (as I was writing this update!!) so you get to decide if the free sticker will have words, or no words!

I'll be setting our next stretch goal soon, but first I'd love to know what you'd like included! Bookmarks? More stickers? Postcards? Extra cards? Gold edging on the Companion Guidebook?? Commemorative bricks?

All my love,


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