The Snarky Company
17 days ago

Project Update: Is there a design or pin you want to see? Read this update and leave a comment!

Hey yall,

Welcome to the Queer & Here campaign! Thanks for backing and coming along for the ride!

I want to explain a little about the designs in this campaign, because it's slight different than my previous campaigns.

Pin Designs!

This project is starting with one main design, that comes in 23 identities and orientations based off of flag colors. As you know, there are many, many, orientations and identities. I tried my best to include as many of them as I could, but it's very possible I'm missing some. Some have multiple versions or color options. For example, there's the Poly flag, with black, red, blue, and the pi symbol, and then there's the newer version with purple, white, blue, pink, and yellow. I chose to go with the colors of the new flag based off of past data and comments from previous backers. There are also some flags that have controversy around them due to the meanings or the creators, and in that case it was hard to judge which flag to use.

You'll notice there is no Bigender flag, which was due to the controversy surronding it's creator, and because there are multiple versions of the flag. If you'd like to see a bigender option, please let me know which flag you want to see.

The other matter in terms of creating a color variant for multiple flags is manufacturing quantities. I have to be able to order a minimum order quantity of a color variant. As an example, if there are only ten orders for one variant, I still have to order 50 of them, which means I have to ensure I have enough funds to be able to offer so many options.

I'm open to suggestions!

If there's an identity that's missing but you want to see, please feel free to make a suggestion. I can't guarantee it will be included, but I will try. If there's a controversy around one of the flags, please let me know, as I'm not familiar with all of them. I identify as pansexual and am part of the Queer community, but that doesn't mean I am familiar with all the nuances of every identity or gender orientation. Please feel free to let me know!

Other Pin Designs

Live designing - During this campaign, based off suggestions or comments, I may be doing what I call live designing. Live designing is when I read feedback from the current campaign and I start designing on the fly, adding new designs as current ones become unlocked.

At the moment the only other pin design option (aside from the main design) are the Trans Rights Daggers. I am hoping to add other designs, but again, I am up for suggestions! I am trying to keep the other designs more general to pride and the whole queer community, so if your suggestion or request is super specific it might not fit.

If there's an image or a saying you want to see, let me know!

Some suggested sayings I've got that might get a design:

"Queer AF"
"Move, I'm Gay"
"Gay Agenda"

Pronoun Pins
I am considering pronoun pins, but wasn't sure how popular they would be? This is another instance of, there are so many combinations that I have to ensure I have enough funds to be able to include them all.

There will be stickers available as add-ons within your survey when the campaign is finsihed! Check back towards the end of the campaign to see the sticker designs.

Just a note...

No Homophobes, Terfs, or Prejudice Allowed
Over the last six years I have designed over 200+ pin designs, on topics of mental health, pop culture, chronic illness, women's wrights, queer pride, body neutrality, and books/reading. This means I have amassed a large audience of pin lovers over the years. The Snarky Company strives to create an inclusive and safe environment for all art and pin lovers. That means, that homophobes, terfs, or any other prejudice won't be tolerated during this campaign. If there are any hateful comments or anything I deem inappropriate, I won't hesitate to cancel your pledge and block you from this campaign and any future campaigns. I've done it before on my mental health projects. If I cancel your pledge due to inappropriate behavior or comments, I'm not taking your money, and I don't owe you anything, which means you can be blocked from future orders and campaigns. Sorry, but here in this space, you're not entitled to your opinion if it's hateful, bigoted, or prejudiced. Just remember, no one's forcing you to back a project about a topic you don't support. 

Happy Pride!

- Liz
The Snarky Company
user avatar image for The Snarky Company




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