Dynamite Entertainment
2 months ago

Project Update: Terminator Exclusive Thank You Comics For Backers Announced As Well as Refund Option

We apologize that the campaign is taking longer than we had originally projected, and we are taking the constructive feedback from backers to improve moving forward.    

If you are requesting a refund, we will be sorry to see you go, but we understand.  Backers will be given the contact information to request a refund.  

We do feel Backers staying with the campaign deserve an additional reward for their patience.  So we came up with something really special to thank you for sticking with us.  

For the fans staying on to support the campaign - this will be an additional 5 Star Limited Edition in your Cyberdyne vault of collectibles!  We are creating a special new limited edition exclusive cover by Ken Haeser for The Terminator #5.  This cover will be EXCLUSIVE TO BACKERKIT campaign backers making it one of the rarest editions ever made.  No one will be able to get the comic except for backers who stay in the campaign and receive the omnibus collections.  Now to make it even bigger - backers who were at the hardcover or faux meatal cover levels will receive that rare Terminator #5 Backerkit Exclusive comic SIGNED by the artist making it even more collectible.  These special rewards are all our way of thanking  backers who are sticking with the campaign and helping us to deliver some beautiful collections.

We know that it is hard to wait for the books and we appreciate the patience of fans who have supported the project, but we believe these are worth the wait.  As we go through the manufacturing process we will do our best to show you images from the factory and keep you updated on the scheduling.  These printings should be uploaded and going to press mid-January.  We are also evaluating making these Terminator collections Exclusive to BackerKit supporters.  

The revised shipping date that we are shooting for is April.  We know it's later than what some may wish, and it's why we are offering the option of the refund as well.  We do think it's worth the wait.  

Thank you for supporting The Terminator project and for your patience!
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