2 months ago

Project Update: Surveys dropping by November 20th - Studio Tour

Hello everyone! 

I appreciate your patience as my convention season has ramped up this fall. I had intended to get the surveys out today, but Backerkit wanted me to make some edits before launching. 

Wednesday, November 20th, should give me plenty of time to fix what is needed and get the surveys approved today. When I get the green light, I shall send out small batches of surveys to ensure everything is good to go and then send the remainder out by that date. 

If you are local to Utah, on November 23rd I will be participating in Utah Masters Fine Art tour from 1pm - 8pm  https://www.utahmastersfineart.com

You will be able to see my fine art and illustration works in progress and the back part of my studio where I paint and teach. There are many amazing Artists participating and I'm very grateful to be included in this years tour. 

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. My husband and I run Drawn to Dragons, and we do our best to make the best products we can with my work.


- Kaitlund 





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