
I'd be curious to know the difference in sales/orders between 2023's Light Day and 2024's Light Day. I'm not saying they didn't get more than expected; they did, however, have the largest Kickstarter ever. They also had the 3rd largest Kickstarter ever (which was also the largest game Kickstarter), and, IIRC, the largest Backerkit campaign ever. Perhaps they should have considered that having two sets of staff on hand would be necessary and planned ahead with temps before it became an issue. They could always let the temps go if they weren't needed, or moved them to the campaign to speed that up. Obviously, hindsight is 20/20, but here's hoping they learn from this for the next time, because based on reactions, if they have the same issues with another campaign, they'll likely lose customers/backers as a result. As far as timeline goes, it would be nice if they could answer what order they're going in for the Radiant orders. From comments they've posted, it really seems like they're picking them at random (but they haven't blatantly stated that).