Hi Samantha, Dragonsteel projects have a very high ratio of new backers for every new campaign they run. This has always been true. Brandon is popular enough that his fans will back his projects even when they have zero other experience with crowdfunding. Comments similar to the ones found here were rife during the beginning months of YoS when DS was stuck waiting for more copies of Tress to arrive.
Just remember to approach them compassionately, these are fans less experienced with the typical crowdfunding expectations. This doesn't make their feelings any less valid, and the feedback is something DS can choose whether or not to make use of for future campaigns. In this case the intent was likely to fulfill everything before Light Day, but due to product delays it wasn't possible. They also could have received way more Light Day orders than they expected. Lots of variables, and as always chances to learn for both DS and the community at large. Empathy and compassion will always win the day.
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
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Hi Samantha, Dragonsteel projects have a very high ratio of new backers for every new campaign they run. This has always been true. Brandon is popular enough that his fans will back his projects even when they have zero other experience with crowdfunding. Comments similar to the ones found here were rife during the beginning months of YoS when DS was stuck waiting for more copies of Tress to arrive. Just remember to approach them compassionately, these are fans less experienced with the typical crowdfunding expectations. This doesn't make their feelings any less valid, and the feedback is something DS can choose whether or not to make use of for future campaigns. In this case the intent was likely to fulfill everything before Light Day, but due to product delays it wasn't possible. They also could have received way more Light Day orders than they expected. Lots of variables, and as always chances to learn for both DS and the community at large. Empathy and compassion will always win the day.