Replies to Cyberthato: Books signed in his podcasts

In the two most recent episodes he's been signing the original Mistborn. Prior to that is the tip in pages for WaT, preceeded by more original Mistborn all the way back to Ep 153. Ep 152 is Bands of Morning. Prior to that is Mistborn again for a single episode, 149, which is preceeded by more BoM back to ep 138. Our 2023 Year in Review - Intentionally Blank Ep. 137 was the last episode signing WB, and was posted on January 17, 2024; 6 months ago. Printing the LBs takes considerable lead time, and they cannot START the process until the signed bundles are delivered to the printer. If you're interested in learning more about the printing process you can watch this video, where Isaac tours the printing facility.