Mr Nick
12 months ago

Project Update: Here we go!

Alright, we did it! Congratulations everyone!

Next steps look like this: we'll finalize how the Pledge Manager is setup, then we'll push hard with our manufacturing partner to get the presses rolling. For those new to crowdfunding, the Pledge Manager is how we finalize everything people will get from the campaign. We'll collect shipping information, preferences for art rewards, and a few other bits and bobs.

Campaigns I've supported typically keep their pledge managers open for about a week, and this also allows some folks to pledge late. We'll provide more details on timing and the like as we roll out the pledge manager. We want things to be smooth, clear, and this'll help keep things moving for meeting our timeline.

Today is a Letty play date, day. To shake off the last minute jitters, Letty and I went on a walk, and now we're cuddling on the couch. You'll have to forgive me for the brief and text only update. (BackerKit may have an auto-generated "campaign funded" email fire, too. We're trying to keep emails and updates to a minimum and focused on fun or essential updates.)

Gratitude and as always, much love,
~Mr. Nick 
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