Averil | DoomBloomArt
2 months ago

Project Update: We did it! Here's the estimated timeline

Everyone, time to celebrate! 

This campaign is ove and we unlocked everything. That's wonderful! I can't stress how happy I am with how it turned out, despite the highs and lows we experienced in the middle of the campaign (it happens every single time and drives me mad every single time!). :D

Here's what's happening behind the scenes as we speak: 

- Initial payment (pledge only, no shipping) has been charged. For most of you, it succeeded without any problems! A few of you have had their cards declined, so please have a look at that if you still want the rewards. For those of you who pledged both for our partner project Magic Mix & Match Lanterns please check that your pledge went through for both campaigns so you can receive the cross collaboration reward!
- Surveys & Pre-Order shop are being prepared. If you want to pick up something that you didn't pick up during the campaign, you will be able to do so when the surveys are out. The Pre-Order shop is where non-backers can still order rewards if they have missed the campaign. Backerkit takes a while to import all the data into their PledgeManager, so please be patient. Approximately surveys will be sent 14 days after the campaign ends, possibly earlier if the card issues are fixed sooner by all backers. Please keep an eye on your inbox and make sure to check your spam folders so you don't miss the survey!
- Duncan is writing the remaining stories. I hope you're all excited about reading them!
- Pin Orders will be placed once I have a decent amount of survey responses to reasonably estimate the amount of pins needed (don't worry i will order 20% extra to make up for late responders and B grades). From my experience, I get around 80% survey responses within the first 24-48 hours after sending the survey and I will extrapolate from there and add the 20% on top. I'm trying to ask my manufacturer if we can begin production before settling the final amount so it goes a bit quicker, but no promises there.
- Expected fulfillment is September/October! Of course this is a goal, not a guarantee. My past pin projects have always taken about ~1.5 months to complete, so mid september is what I expect but you never know how busy a manufacturer is or if there are problems with the international shipping. Especialy since we have...
- The cross collaboration pins. There is some extra logistics regarding that, since it's not being manufactured at the same factory as the main campaign pin, so they might arrive earlier or later, hard to tell. I will keep you updated though!
- I will of course provide you with updates throughout the manufacturing process! 





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