DMG Konas
almost 2 years ago

Project Update: What an Ending!

Wooooo Hoooooo!

We are excited to cross the finish line and begin the process of getting the d20 Tribute Screens out to everyone! This has been by far the cleanest project we have created and look forward to finalization and fulfillment.

Please take a moment to note the items below before the project closes.

Finalize your pledge. Please take a moment to finalize your pledge. You can add shipping costs to your pledge now, or wait until the Pledge Manager becomes available in two weeks.

Pledge Manager. Two weeks after the project closes the Pledge Manager will be available so you can add any additional items you want, update your address, and finalize your order. The Pledge Manager serves as a buffer for those who wish to add to their pledge, and allows late backers to get on board in case they missed the project. (You will receive an invitation to the Pledge Manager two weeks after the project closes.)

The SCRY System. Once the Pledge Manager is finalized and the majority of orders locked, we will pull everyone into our SCRY (See Crafting Results Yourself) system, allowing us to monitor individual orders and the entirety of the project fulfillment in real time. It's super cool. You're going to love it.

Aggressive Fulfillment. We intentionally minimized complexity on this project so we could knock production out of the park. Fulfillment officially begins in August, but we are always looking to start earlier if possible.

Thank you amazing backers!

The DMG Team





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