Happy February.
I’m just getting over a cold, but I figured I’d take the time to update the entire crowdsphere, as a lot has been decided regarding future ...
Dias Ex Machina
about 1 month ago
Welcome to 2025 - A NEW ADVENTURE & POLL
Welcome to a new year!
With all physical rewards save Affinity at distribution, we’ve moved on to current digital projects.
The ...
Dias Ex Machina
3 months ago
This will be my last update of the year.
I have it under assurances that everyone's rewards have been sent out. My guess is that if you have not received th...
Dias Ex Machina
3 months ago
Head on a Swivel...
If someone had told me four weeks ago that a 5E magic system inspired by Doctor Strange was going to take up 40,000 wor...
Dias Ex Machina
3 months ago
Books Arriving
As many of you know, books are being received. People have already been sharing their imag...
Dias Ex Machina
5 months ago
Madness at the Megalomart RELEASED
Madness at the Megalomart has been released.
Madness At The Megalomart is a modern/hor...
I’m just getting over a cold, but I figured I’d take the time to update the entire crowdsphere, as a lot has been decided regarding future plans. By this point, every correction has been made regarding distribution. This leaves a few lingering rewards.
This one is frustrating, as I had to rely on other people. While the Fantasy Grounds and Foundry modules are available, Shard and Roll20 continue to be elusive. Shard has stopped answering my emails despite them reaching out to me in the first place. Thankfully, DEM is throwing its full weight (light that it is) towards World Tree, a fantastic platform we have a lot of faith in. (https://www.worldtreerpg.com/). While I still believe a Roll20 module lies in our future, I fear the Shard module likely won’t happen. This is pretty much out of my hands as Shard handles their work internally.
Affinity’s last reward is an audiobook. I had a contracted engineer develop this project three years ago, but a series of unfortunate events followed, resulting in him quitting the project and keeping his advance. While I have much of the audio files on hand--Mark Meer, Jon Cor, and others are fully recorded--I still have dozens of minor roles left to record and, of course, an engineer to put it all together. I found another individual last year, but after nearly ten months, there has still been no progress on this front. I’m reaching desperate levels to have this finished, as it is a passion project. I would hate to have this collapse with so much already in the can, but with little money left in the budget, I’m getting concerned. While I could technically do it myself, I fear the quality would not be to a level I’d want it to be.
The last of the William Miller / BeDumb adventures for the 2023 UM5 crowdfunding is nearing completion. The previous adventure, The Banshees of Barkerville, turned into a surprising hit, selling more than any of the previous BeDumb adventures. As mentioned in an earlier update, William and his wife were expecting; I’m happy to report a healthy baby Casper came into the world on January 16th.
With a name change still pending, last month I posted a poll available to anyone regarding the future of this campaign guide. 2023’s crowdfund offered two; Threshold was released late last fall, a hybrid artbook and RPG under a single SKU. I really enjoyed the creative process and wished to repeat it.
However, I was unwilling to recycle most of the art, which I was forced to do with Threshold. My goal was to create an entirely new and original setting. I got into a jam session with Nick Greenwood last week, where we hashed out some ideas. Nick couldn’t help himself and came at me with some sketches a few days later.
These have greatly affected some of the ideas going forward in this alternative-history biopunk setting.
The Poll was put up to ask a simple question: did backers just want the original RPG campaign setting as promised, with its original limited art budget, or were people open to the idea of a much larger project with a physical narrative art book, digital campaign guide, and an increased art budget that would come via crowdfunding. As mentioned, this occurred previously in 2020 with Affinity, which began as black and white 100-page PDFs before transitioning to three 220+ page full-colour leather books in a box set.
From the poll, 58% of voters opted for the expanded illustrated novel and campaign guide, leaving 42% preferring the original reward. I had previously decided that I would favour an overwhelming majority, and a 58/42 ratio is certainly not that, in my personal opinion. However, it does indicate that some supporters are interested in the expanded content.
Therefore, I am going to do both.
…sort of.
Nick and I are going to work on the original campaign guide for an early summer release. Unlike Threshold, this will be the campaign PDF only and not be a hybrid art book project.
Then, likely this September, we will launch a Kickstarter for a physical, 10”x10” narrative art book and expanded campaign guide that will include additional artwork. That way, backers can enjoy their original reward, and then everyone will have the option to support a larger production if that is your choice.
With a second print run of Affinity in the works, we decided that our next crowdfunding campaign, which will be returning to Backerkit in MARCH, will allow backers a chance to purchase either the standard three-book slipcase or a second printing of the exclusive and very awesome looking leather-wrapped clamshell set.
The campaign will also fund three new adventures and the second novel in the series. More information will follow before we send out the launch page, probably in a week or two.
While we were initially planning on releasing this as a crowdfunding campaign, we’ve opted to instead just release the Xenobestiary straight to DTRPG, likely also with a late February or March release date. I asked our discord community if we should include ALL our monsters, including the fantasy ones, and the response was a big affirmative.
The Xenobestiary will feature rebuilt and retooled monsters from every previous DEM publication, along with a bunch of new ones. For example, the antagonist section from UM5 has been expanded from 38 to 58. The mecha entry has nearly 40 entries; the alien section boasts 50. These will be presented in the newer 2024 D&D format and following a couple months after the new Monster Manual should help matters.
By now, almost all our rewards have been received. 2025 is going to be a very touch-and-go year for DEM. We’ve been hit with some huge bills, and recent WOTC controversies haven’t helped matters.
So, the best way to support DEM in 2025 is to talk about us.
Share posts and post reviews. We have a lot of listings on DTRPG that lack reviews. I would especially love reviews and feedback on our recent publications like Threshold and Oktober’s Arcane Almanac.
With all physical rewards save Affinity at distribution, we’ve moved on to current digital projects.
The next adventure, and penultimate effort by William Miller, is our weird west adventure. After discussing it with a few friends, we decided to remove the pretense and go with our original plan; instead of setting it in a location inspired by a local period-specific town, we opted to have it set in the ACTUAL town. As a result, The Phantom Stage has been renamed…
We threw in some direct references to real Barkerville history and even included a bunch of “vintage” photos we took from our numerous visits there. To make the adventure accessible to everyone, we carried over the antiquated firearms inspired by Torus, along with a few new rules regarding the use of dynamite.
Backers due to receive this adventure should see it in their downloads directory by the end of the day. If you don’t receive the link, head over to Backerkit and check. As I send out an announcement via DriveThruRPG, you’ll also see an email inviting you to purchase the adventure; obviously, you can ignore that.
This leaves only one adventure remaining for William, Clonefall, assuming that name doesn’t change as well. I know it’s been fully play-tested, but that’s all I know so far. The man’s days away from being a father, so I’m giving him some breathing room.
Which brings us to my final adventure tied to this Kickstarter, the honestly provisionally titled Retroverse Chronicles. Before going into detail about my plans, I wanted to bring up a previous publication connected to this crowdfunding campaign, Threshold.
You see, Threshold was designed to just be a campaign setting. But I’ve always been a fan of narrative art books / illustrated novels. While many people believe this genre began and ended with the books written and illustrated by Simon Stålenhag, in truth, they have gone back decades. I remember the Terran Trade Authority handbooks written by Stewart Cowley and published from 1978 to 1980, which presented a fictional history of the human race and their encounters with alien species. Threshold took inspiration, blending space exploration with cosmic horror, a hybrid not seen enough, in my humble opinion.
Threshold was a risk, but I was limited in my previously allotted budget. I was only supposed to create a single book, not a hybrid RPG supplement / illustrated novel. As a result, I could only afford a handful of new illustrations, mingling them with recycled art from Ultramodern and Amethyst. In the end, I’m pleased with the result and believe it a much better book than a single campaign book. As it has been out for a few months, I would love to receive feedback regarding whether it was a success.
This brings up Retroverse Chronicles.
I’d like to do the same as Threshold, creating an illustrated novel separate from the RPG aspects. However, I don’t want to recycle artwork again outside of the two images that provided the core inspiration. I am left with two options.
1. Create it “as is” using the original art budget, which will limit it to only a few new illustrations.
2. Create a crowdfunding campaign to raise the additional funds required to fulfill this project’s potential.
Those who have followed me for years know I’ve done this before.
Affinity was such a project. It was initially meant as three 100-page books with black and white artwork and no physical print edition and was unlocked as a stretch goal for 2018’s Ultramodern5-REDUX campaign. Following its own successful crowdfunding, it turned into three 250-page books with full-color artwork and physical books, including a leather box set.
This won’t be as large, but I’d like Retroverse to be a 10x10 illustrated novel with the aforementioned digital RPG supplement.
Like with Affinity, any backer due to receive the original Retroverse will still receive the RPG book. This is for people wanting the accompanying illustrated novel and for the RPG supplement to be expanded.
The Retroverse Chronicles involves the crumbling alternative world of the late 1970s, where the injection of alien knowledge gave rise to “spark plugs”—devices able to inspire users to create singular, powerful pieces of technology. This promoted the creation of advanced biotechnology decades before the introduction of computers or the internet, including the GELF slave races, the BAAL biomechs, and the colossal “Hekaton” BRUTs, subsequently leading to the decimation of the planet through rising geopolitical conflict. By the late 1970s, little of the recognizable modern world remained.
In the campaign setting, players would assume the roles of humans and GELFS as they struggle to survive among the monstrosities dismantling the world around them. In the novel, our protagonist is pulled into this world possessing the most sought-after knowledge—the capacity to create more spark plugs. As they travel across America, they discover the dying world around them, looking for a way to return home.
The question is, would you pay more for a physical illustrated novel and an expanded campaign guide, or do you just want the originally promised campaign guide? Please comment below.
I have it under assurances that everyone's rewards have been sent out. My guess is that if you have not received them by the end of this week (December 14), reach out to me at [email protected] with what you are missing so I can try to fix it on my end.
To repeat, contact me directly. I don't get notices from Backerkit for post comments for three days, so if you make a comment saying you have not received rewards, you're basically shouting at the aether. Contact me directly so I can fix the issue expediently.
I've already fixed a bunch of missing rewards, and the replacements go out fairly quickly.
As many of you might already know, we released a new book on the side. I was between projects, waiting on writing and artwork, so I decided to compile all my previously published spellcasting systems into one book. Then, of course, I decided I wanted to add new content, so I threw together THREE new ones. Here is the final book…
This cyberpunk-inspired arcane system introduces a new ability score with connected skills and a mana resource that can be contained and manipulated by characters, weapons, armor, and cybernetics.
Psionics are presented through a video-game-inspired skill tree where character progression is tracked along four different elemental-themed paths. Customize your character and even "respec" your class if you change your mind.
By etching sigils on paper, the Abecedarian class can lay down traps, enchant foes and allies, and even imbue life in the lifeless. This system also includes expanded rules for brewing potions and golem creation.
A steampunk-themed system, players employ deckbuilding, constructing a deck from traditional playing cards. By drawing random cards, an Oxomancer powers their chaotic magical abilities.
A Pleromancer constructs living spells, imbuing them with powerful effects. Customize your creations, cast them, and then release them against your opponents. If you can think it, it can think for itself. Leave your spells to act on their own.
A Veil-Walker made a pact with a powerful being who channels arcane powers to make their chosen assassin a supernatural killer. There are no rituals bestowed, no passive spells. To tap the veil is to make one the ultimate killer.
Guns replace wands with the Gunjack class. Etch sigils on your weapons to increase their power. By using firearms, you increase your arcane threshold, allowing limit breaks and unleashing devastating finishing attacks.
Intertwining kung-fu and arcane power, the Invoker has developed a somatic spellcasting system where their movements double as martial arts, allowing melee attacks as one prepares spells.
If someone had told me four weeks ago that a 5E magic system inspired by Doctor Strange was going to take up 40,000 words and a month of my life, I might have just thrown out those notes and not cared.
But that’s what happened. I had made the stealth-based magic system Veil for the upcoming Arcane Almanac after promising that it would just be a greatest hits book for all things 5E from Dias Ex Machina, but then I decided I wanted to make new original content for the book. After Veil, I thought, “Oooh, you know what would be awesome, a magic system based on guns,” so that led to the Trigger system, but halfway through, I realized the issue with the system—to cast spells, you had to stop shooting guns. So, I had to throw out about 15,000 words of spells and restart.
BUT, THEN I THOUGHT, “I can’t leave this to waste, so what if I created a monk-based spellcaster inspired by our favorite sorcerer. That shouldn’t take too looooooonnng.
Four weeks later, it’s still not done.
I am almost finished. I should have the chapter wrapped up this week.
Why am I mentioning all of this?
Because when something this involving captures my attention, my heavily neurodivergent brain doesn’t want to break away to deal with the numerous questions people have been having.
So, I have forced myself to write this update out to all my amazing backers.
The majority of you have received your games, but I imagine there are a lot of questions.
1. No, Studio 2 Publishing apparently is a little inconsistent with sending out tracking numbers. Many people never got them. Others were informed they were receiving 20-plus units only to receive the one box they were actually owed. As you can imagine, there is absolutely nothing I can do about that, as this is entirely the distribution’s responsibility.
2. Separate Boxes. Yes, some products were missed on the initial shipment, meaning if you received one product out of four or three out of four, stand by—there is likely another one on the way. Interestingly, some people are receiving their “Correction” shipment before their initial one. I know smaller packages may arrive before larger ones, so that’s my only guess on that.
3. Canadian Shipments. You may be aware there is a strike going on. I don’t know who is handling Canadian shipping, but if you are still waiting, it may be because of that.
4. Different GM screens. Due once again to inconsistent numbers from the previous distribution, not enough UM5 GM screens showed up at Studio2 for UM5 backers. As we had extra Amethyst screens, Studio2 sent those instead to backers. These screens are identical outside of their illustration. Anyone taking issue with this swap, please message me and we can work out a solution.
I am doing my best to fix everyone’s issues as they come in, so I apologize if there is a delay. I’m the only one on my end filtering these issues, so I am trying my best to get ahead of each of them. I apologize ahead of time for any problems that have popped up. So far, all the mistakes regarding distribution I have sourced to be my own. So, it’s all on me, and I will do my best to fix these few issues as they have emerged.
THAT BEING SAID, compared to the NUMEROUS screw-ups from the previous distribution, like incorrect rewards being sent out, and my personal favorite, removing books out of their slipcase and sending the books without their slipcase, I think this campaign is below average in actual mistakes, LOL.
While Studio2 has not given me an update on their percentage of completion, given they have been doing this for over a month, I have to assume they are either finished or nearing completion.
I’ll still field your questions and get you answers as quickly as possible. Best thing to do is either PM me or email me at [email protected]. If you comment on Backerkit, I don't get it for like there days, which is kind of annoying. I apologize ahead of time if delays occur.