Latest from the Creator
Devil's Due Studios
2 months ago
Rebooting...Rebooting.... And We're Live
Hi Everyone, We just wanted to let everyone know that work on the comic is currently underway, and to say thank you to everyone for their patience. We joined onto the comictopia project on rather short notice, but during the campaign it became clear that while we love Backer...
Devil's Due Studios
7 months ago
It's Almost a Wrap!
The Circuits, Seduction, Revenge 💥 ashcan campaign from the Comictopia group of projects just has four more days to go. We're grateful to the Backerkit crew for inviting u...
Hi Everyone,

We just wanted to let everyone know that work on the comic is currently underway, and to say thank you to everyone for their patience. We joined onto the comictopia project on rather short notice, but during the campaign it became clear that while we love Backerkit for our fulfillment solution, we've just built up too much of a an audience on Kickstarter to try and move everyone over here. So we will be launching issue 1, the full issue, over on Kickstarter next month, and we will have enough art to finalize assembly of the ashcan very soon.

Artist Antonio Baldari also had to take on another gig unexpectedly but is back working on CSR, and also contributed this awesome cover for the upcoming full length issue.

So hopefully if everything lines up right, you will have the ashcans in hand just as everyone is starting to talk about the first issue, before it goes to press. This will also get a wide circulation through comic book stores nation/world-wide, making this limited ashcan release something special. As soon as the new kickstarter pre-launch page is live we will share that too. More to come soon!

In the mean time, if you're into other gratuitous, violent fun, but of the supernatural bent, there's a campaign for the new printing of Mercy Sparx #1 happening right now:





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Devil's Due Studios
7 months ago

Project Update: It's Almost a Wrap!

The Circuits, Seduction, Revenge 💥 ashcan campaign from the Comictopia group of projects just has four more days to go. We're grateful to the Backerkit crew for inviting us to be part of this project, and offer future readers a super early, super exclusive collectible to precede the first issue. This should truly be a beauty, and something rare and special. 

Now's the last few days to tell everyone, so if you dig this concept, please share, like, and spread that cyber love. 

Okay, maybe don't say "cyber love." That can mean a lot of things. Oh wait, this IS that kinda book. 




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