3 months ago

Project Update: 🃏 #3 - Campaign Close, Dice Update, Etc

Hello, everyone!

First of all, thank you guys! The campaign closed last week and it was a great success - blowing away all of my expectations. So, again, a thousand thanks to you all. With that said, let's get into the update:

This update is a little late (campaign closed last week) as I was hoping to have the dice in hand for some nice photos to share with it. However, we had some Holiday slowdowns and a bit of trial and error with the sample set, so unfortunately I don't have any nice pictures to share at the moment but we will get into it anyway.

The Dice

Got word this morning that the color is where we want it. The manufacturer is going to polish and clean them up and get them sent out to me. So, I'll get pictures taken ASAP.
Here are some photos of the process (including some fails) thus far:

1. Master molds being created

The master dice are set in the cup and silicone (I think) is poured over them. When these set and cure, you get a little silicone mold that you can then fill with the resin that will go on to cure into the actual dice...

2. ...but sometimes it doesn't turn out too good!

As you can tell, the color did not turn out too good (not in comparison to the design anyway). There were also some huge air bubbles that did not make it out of the mold and ruined this initial set.

3. So they tried again

Much better! Note that these are not cleaned/polished so they look a bit rough but the color is much closer and no giant air bubbles. The manufacturer is going to clean them up and get them sent out and I'll take some legit photos. The swirls from the initial render won't be present until we go to bulk production but we should get a good idea of how they look once they're in hand! 

If you still want a pair and didn't pledge for one, unfortunately your only option will be to upgrade your pledge later to the High Roller edition once the surveys are sent out. I did not want to leave this item open for add-ons forever as constant fluctuations in the quantity wouldn't be ideal since this isn't exactly an item that is relatively quick/cheap to produce. Again, I won't be producing these (not this specific set at least) or selling them in the future so I won't have a bunch extra lying around.

  • Samples on the way. Pictures soon
  • Upgrade to High Roller edition if you still want these dice.
  • Excited!

Module Update

So, during the month of the campaign... I did basically nothing on the creative end of things. The campaign took a lot of mental real estate (even when literally nothing was going on). Couple that with Thanksgiving holidays here in the US and the fact that someone in my house has been sick every week or so now (when you have four kids this is what happens), things were a bit slow going. I was also finishing up my classes for the semester and now have Christmas coming up! So, all that to say that I've been pretty slow going for the past month (and hopefully I am semi-justifying that). However, now with the campaign over, things are moving along again.

I've been working on the ship spread upgrade to the book - turning it from a 12 page book to a 16 page book - and writing the bounty cards for the cross-collab bonus with Burning Light Press' Syndicate Wastels. Hopefully we have some examples to show in the next update!

Other than that, the actual funds should come through for me soon so I can pay a bunch of people I owe for their work and initiate some new work like the ship, more/upgraded illustrations, and an additional map for the bank....

This can be your Players' crew - iykyk

  • I did practically nothing last month
  • I'm doing stuff now


That's all for now! Short and sweet. Keep an eye out for the Pledge Manager surveys - they will be sent out in about a week, I think. There are still some people (like 20-ish) that have not corrected their payment info from the initial campaign so double-check that's not you! You have 14 days from the close of the campaign to fix it. You can also correct it during the survey, I believe. The pre-order store is open, too. So, if you didn't get in on the campaign at all you can still order the book. If anyone DMs/contacts me (figure it out), I'll credit you to match the cost of the zine during the campaign as its at MSRP in the pre-order store. 

Next update I hope I'll have some 
Thanks, everyone!
user avatar image for RANNE





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