Destiny Horizons
8 months ago

Project Update: Great News! Monster Figures Are Here!

Hi, Future Mythlords,

I want to thank everyone again for making Mythlords successful.  Though Mark and I are dedicated to publishing this game and getting it into everyone's hands, the amount of marketing monies spent by both Backerkit and internally didn't amount to the financials needed to produce the game. Why am I telling you this?

Reason One: We want you to know that this will not affect the production of the game. Mark and I will come out of pocket to publish the game no matter what. Both he and I have had numerous successful campaigns that have all been fulfilled. We are not about to change that now. In addition, we really believe in this game and we have expansions planned that are very exciting.

Reason Two:  A subsequent campaign will be launched on Kickstarter to help cover the difference. Based on his Kickstarter campaign history and mine, it doesn't seem as if most of our past supporters migrated over to Backerkit. We are planning on running the campaign right after GenCon - around August 5th. If you are going to be at GenCon, please let me know. I will be playtesting throughout the event.

What does this mean for you? Will you be missing out on anything that is unlocked during the Kickstarter campaign? The answer is a resounding "no." You are the OG supporters of this game and we greatly appreciate all of you. Therefore, all unlocks during the Kickstarter campaign will automatically be sent to you for your unwavering support.  However, to get unlocks, the Kickstarter campaign needs to be successful. We are counting on all of you to help just a little bit.

EXCITING STUFF - We will be offering 3D printable Commander STLs to all Kickstarter donors and by extension, all OG Backerkit supporters. That's right, you will be receiving these STLs. They are 25.4 mm (except Frankenstein's monster who is 28mm - of course). The Apha Wolf is still in progress and will probably be done in the next few days. You are the first ones to see him. Yes, we have been busy since the closing of the campaign.

Once the 5th player is unlocked during the Kickstarter campaign, we will also be offering the Wicked Witch commander STL as well, with the possibility of doing others, depending on how the campaign goes.  

Outside of directing people to the Pre-Launch page which is currently live (See Link below) we will also be offering card sleeves. All previous supporters will be able to purchase these independently through the campaign. 



Thank you all again. We appreciate all your support and hope to get you more Stretch Goals and campaign unlocks through this new campaign on Kickstarter.  Click the notify button now on the Pre-Launch link and share it out there. The success of this campaign will be great for all of us and ensure more Mark Spears artwork in further expansions.

Remember that I will be at GenCon. If you are going, please contact me through FB, IG, or email me at [email protected]. Hope to see you there.

Until next time, stay bloody. We love you all 

Frank Zanca & Mark Spears






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