Sorry for the lack of updates, folks. It's been a nutty time: surgery and recovery from that, several bouts of illness, the holidays...and massive, massive burnout.
The good...
6 months ago
29: Fulfillment Update (Delays, Ugh)
Howdy folks!
Sorry for the long radio silence. Meatspace has been kicking my ass still and I've had little to no meaningful downtime. But you're not here to read about my hecti...
8 months ago
28: PINS ARE HERE! First Look!
Howdy folks! I'm back with news!
Sorry about the radio silence! I won't bore you with the details but suffice to say it's been a hairy time offline. Now let's forget about all ...
9 months ago
27: Pins Incoming!
Howdy folks!
Pardon my radio silence for the last few weeks; between work, travel, injury, and now being down sick, I've had a pretty busy time lately. I kept meaning to ask fo...
10 months ago
26: Charging Cards in 2 Days!
Howdy folks! Surveys are now locked, and in 2 DAYS I will begin charging cards. Be prepared!
If your card fails to charge, fret not! Backerkit will email you and try again.
10 months ago
25: LAST CALL: Surveys Lock in 48 Hours!
Ya boi had a weird day yesterday and fully forgot to do the lock-with-notice thing. So! I've just pulled the tigger on that now.
This is not a drill: surveys lock in 48 hours!
Hi folks! I know it's late in the game, but as we come ever closer to the final week, I'm excited to announce that a new add-on is now available: pin banners!
Here's a mockup: Now, obviously, this is not meant to be a literal representation of good husbandry. But I think it's cute!
These banners will be 9" wide x 13 x long. Each of the little terrarium & aquarium sections are about 2" x 2" - the perfect size for your CREEPY CUTIES pins and more!
Plus, backers get a discount!
After the campaign and surveys are both complete, the remainder of the banners I have made will go up on Etsy. They will be sold for $25 there, but if you get them as an add-on to your pledge, you can save $10 and snag them for only $15 each!
How do you add one to your pledge?
Step 1: Go to the campaign front page and click "Manage your pledge" in the banner up top: Step 2: On the "Thanks for your pledge" page, click "Edit pledge" in the left-center: Step 3: In the "Add-ons" box, click "Add additional items": Step 4: On the "Add additional items to your pledge" page, click the "Add to pledge" button for a pin banner: Step 5: On the same page, click the blue "Proceed to checkout" button. Step 6: Check out, and you're done!
What do you think? :D
This is going to be my first foray into having cloth items made, and I hope y'all like it!
About those charms...
While neither charm option won the timed poll, they are not out of the running — I just might make fewer of them is all. With that in mind, I think I'm going to make charm of 3 designs! Which ones? Well, to continue the theme of the campaign, YOU get to decide in a new poll!
The 3 with the most votes will get made into acrylic AND pillow keychains. This is also a timed poll that will only run for 2 days, so get your vote in while you can!
EXCITING NEWS! Or at least I hope it is, lol. We've unlocked a lot of stretch goals, so I have brought back a limited supply of Early Bird specials for anyone who wants to upgrade their pledge at a discount!
Let's take a look at what we've unlocked so far... All of these pin designs are officially going to be available to select as rewards, PLUS we're very close to unlocking the 9th pet, the Pacman Frog!
Don't miss out on this rare second chance at Early Bird pricing AND FREEBIES, because there's only so many of them to go around!
The final showdown continues...
Right now it's looking like the Orchid Mantis is going to sweep the Giant African Millipede for the second-to-last unlock slot of the original 11 designs...unless there's a surprise upset in the poll! Can the mantis fans secure a win for their fave, or are there enough millipede sleeper fans to steal the lead? You decide!
This poll will run until the campaign hits $2500 in pledges...and that's coming up pretty fast. Get your votes in while there's still time!
Banners, anyone? 👀
I have also opened up a new poll to gauge interest in some new add-on options:
Pin banner
Acrylic keychain
Plush keychain
If any of these sound like something that would interest you, or if you have another idea for an add-on that you'd like to see, let me know in the poll!
This poll closes at 12:00 PM Central on Saturday, April 6th, 2024 so get your votes in now!
Check out my Pintopia partner!
Oleander, my collaboration partner for Pintopia 2024, is THIS CLOSE to unlocking their 4th design! Could yours be the pledge that unlocks their delightfully macabre Hope Holds Us Together pin? Remember, if you back both my campaign and theirs for a physical reward, you'll get two FREE bonus pins! Go check them out by clicking the banner below!
So many thanks!
Finally, I'd like to take a moment to say, at the risk of repeating myself, how touched and pleased I am by the outpouring of support I've received for this campaign thus far. With two weeks left, I have high hopes that all 11 pets will get unlocked, and that I'll have the privilege of designing even more for your enjoyment!
Do you have a "creepy" pet of your own? Something more "mainstream"? Both? Tell me about your pets!*
I'll start! I have: - 3 moggie cats (Cassiopeia, Cepheus, and Jimmy the Foster Monster); - 2 aquariums (50 gal & 10 gal) full of unnamed fish, shrimp, and snails; - a colony of brown anoles including some red morphs (the only named one is Big Red, the dominant male), - 7 corn snakes (Chalybeia, Zmei, Typhon, Balaur, Ocelot, Frumpkin, and Gelidon); - 7 Kenyan sand boas (Kismet, Anaïs, Musa, Omeiri, Galatea, Norway, Jack O'Neill, and Midas); - 15 ball pythons (Mokelé, Meringue, Aranea, Sèance, Malakbel, Magec, Raijū, Frappuccino, Banshee, Catillamen, Tatzelwurm, Pardicula, Ailuropoda, Enyo, and Sonoma); - 1 Cape house snake (Wikus); - 2 black African house snakes (Ding and Dong); - 2 San Isabel Island locality Solomon Island ground boas (not yet named); - 2 Plains hognose snakes (Midgard and Astarion); - 1 blue phase Japanese ratsnake (Seiryū); - 1 nano tank with pink dragon millipedes and cappuccino isopods; and - 1 nano tank with powder orange isopods.
*Don't name any pets whose name you use as a security question. I don't want that info, but the internet is a wild place, so let's stay safe!
Sorry for the lack of updates, folks. It's been a nutty time: surgery and recovery from that, several bouts of illness, the holidays...and massive, massive burnout.
The good news here is, I have the pins, I have everything I need, they're all fine. It just needs to be packaged up and sent off. The less-good news is it feels like there's a goddamn brick wall standing between me and Doing the Damn Thing that's also projecting nausea waves at me whenever I get close to it. And it's one of those things where it snowballs, you know: the longer it takes for me to push past the stress and nausea and just get it done, the worse the dread becomes.
me @ me
You're not gonna miss out, the project's not cancelled, I just have to...find a way to climb the wall. And I will. Sooner or later (gods, let it be sooner) I'll have a high-functioning, many-spooned day and just sit down and goddamn do it and then feel stupid about how long it took me to do so but it'll be done. Sorry. >< I know the waiting sucks for all of us.
But yeah, this is why I'm not doing Pintopia 2025. I need to get my damn head on straight and deliver this set before I can even contemplate starting another project.