about 1 year ago

Project Update: Railbreak VR Officially Coming to PSVR2! Let's Add Developer Commentary and an Extra Chapter to Tailbreak Next! Pledge Now!

Hello Survivors!

Some more amazing news!  The BackerKit Crowdfunding campaign for Railbreak VR & Tailbreak has met another stretch goal!  Railbreak VR is officially coming to PlayStation VR 2 on top of Steam VR!

PSVR2 support is just the latest stretch goal we've reached for Railbreak VR & Tailbreak!  We already had dual wielding in Railbreak VR locked in thanks to the generosity of our backers.

Our next stretch goal is to deliver both in-game developer commentary DLC AND an additional story chapter for the Tailbreak DLC expansion!  Let's do it!  With your help, we can secure this awesome content; don't forget that content will be available in both Railbreak AND Railbreak VR's version of Tailbreak!

There's still plenty of time left before our BackerKit campaign comes to an end, so please consider checking it out and pledging today! You can even pre-order a Railbreak Limited Edition Sinden Lightgun via the add-ons option on BackerKit!

Thank you as always for your continued support!  We will have much more information on Railbreak VR, the Tailbreak DLC expansion, and our recently announced visual novel soon! This all comes on top of more information regarding Outbreak: Shades of Horror coming in the future!
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